Ive been pretty lost this last year. Everything changed and I - TopicsExpress


Ive been pretty lost this last year. Everything changed and I wasnt sure how to change with it. But I think I finally figured out where Im going to go over the next few years and how Im going to build a life I can feel is worthwhile. 1. I am taking an active interest in the future of my nieces and nephews. I have begun a savings account to put money into for their birthdays and xmases. Once it grows enough, I plan to put it into investments and continue to build funds for their future travels, tuition and lives. I have also begun collecting Adventure Time comic books, forever stamps and other collectibles and carefully storing them away. In 15-20 years, I want to be able to give them all of the best things from their childhoods in mint condition and let them decide what they will keep and what they will use to fund their dreams. 2. I am applying for a regular job that will give me a regular paycheck and benefits and allow me to put $ into savings. Ill still be creating leather works and commercial artwork for print and other products, though I dont want it to be my livelihood any longer, at least at this time. 3. I am going to go back to school for my bachelors in studio arts. I also plan on taking classes in costume design, taxidermy and Spanish. Once I complete my bachelors here in Arizona, I plan on enrolling in the masters program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Art school and degrees are more than just expanding technical skills and vision - they are about connecting with the fine art world and creating the relationships that will allow me to show my work and be successful in the fine art market. 4. The tuition alone at SAIC is currently around $44K a year. That does not include any supplies, living expenses or the summer semester. I do not want to take out more student loans to go to school, so I need to be able to afford to pay this myself. So while I am working on my bachelors and living here in Phoenix, I will be working and saving in order to build a food trailer to take sell gourmet nachos, tamales and tacos at large music and art festivals around the country. Ive sold artwork at quite a few large festivals and the real business is in food and drink. If I am successful, it will allow me to work a set number of festivals each year and focus the rest of the year on my studies and creating better artwork. This is a generalized 5 year plan and there are quite a lot of details to work out but its really nice to have goals and not feel so adrift. In the short term I need to look for a house in Tempe or Downtown Phoenix to rent, find stable employment, finish the curriculum for the leather classes I will be teaching in February at ALAC and begin working out again to reclaim the health Ive lost overworking myself at an art table all the time. This is all going to be a lot, but Im hoping to also spend more time creating with my artistic friends because I desperately need the creative atmosphere and inspiration of being part of a creative community. Life is hard and the Universe, magnificent and vast as she may be, is a cold and lonely and frightful place. As an Atheist and Humanist it is my belief that we must each create a future and destiny for ourselves and create our worth and purpose through the lives we touch, the ones we love and the legend that we leave. With this in mind, I declare that 2015 shall be the year I work and plan and build a better future.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 05:24:08 +0000

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