Ive been relentlessly critical of President Obama for five years. - TopicsExpress


Ive been relentlessly critical of President Obama for five years. I was even critical of him before he was elected. His incompetence in foreign policy, his maliciousness in attacking his domestic opponents, his utopian Colossi such as the Stimulus and Obamacare (both now failures), his pitting of the top and bottom classes against the indispensable class--the middle class--all of this and more have been themes to my daily jeremiad. For the life of me I cant fathom the kind of people who voted for him, to say nothing of those who voted for him a second time. Yet, we face a crisis. Vladimir Putin isnt blinking. The Obama team--riding into town on the promise of a reset with out global foes, flush with the illusions that being self-loathing and self-abasing would win us friends, high on the drug of narcissistic messianism--has ridden to the end of a blind canyon. Having begun the downsizing and demoralizing of our armed forces, having menaced our greatest ally in the Middle East, having abandoned both the Czech Republic and Poland for the sake of a Russian chimera, the Obama Presidency has no idea how to handle real-life aggression. I have often prayed for a replacement of President Obama. I still do. I will now pray that he gains some badly-needed wisdom and acquires some up-till-now-missing cajones. No doubt this will make him more popular, a result with which I am uneasy. But it needs to happen--fast.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 23:47:49 +0000

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