Ive been so busy lately with this, that, and the other, that I - TopicsExpress


Ive been so busy lately with this, that, and the other, that I havent been able to make a serious, truthful and undoubtedly offensive post on this profile in awhile, but Im going to make up for it now. There are two major groups of people on this planet, with a third minor group which for what ever reason doesnt have an opinion, period. These two groups are: 1 Religionists, mystics, horoscope followers, believers in a conscience universal intelligence, divine guidance and so forth. 2. The second group are evolutionists. These two groups are completely incompatible, even though billions of dollars are spent by false science site, and apologists claiming that evolution is compatible with everything, from Genesis to the horoscope. Hucksters looking for fast money use their credentials as scientist to create intelligent and academic looking papers that support any belief system a person desires, from denying global warming, to theres a plan for humanity. If youre willing to pay, youll get your scientific report. These reports are NEVER reviewed by the National or International Academies of Science. In America there are 3.5 million scientists, yet only 2,100 in the National Academy of scientists. There are only 600 to 1,000 members in the International academy of science. An estimated 80% of the American Academy believe in no god, with the rest falling in along the lines of Deism. That possible there is an unknown creator. 97% of the International Academy is atheist. NOW! Without the stamp of approval from this VERY small demographic of people, the smartest people on the planet, very little becomes fact. In blunt language, both of these academies laugh at the notion of a universal guidance and if you really want to make them laugh, say horoscope. These people KNOW.....(Knowing is just the opposite of believing. Belief means having faith in something than can NEVER be proven. In essence, belief in nothingness) that we all got here through billions of years of evolution. These people rationally KNOW that a perfect universal guide wouldnt have put 23 unnecessary body parts on us. *(Thats how many body parts humanity has discarded, and the appendix is next. We used to have a tail) Having all gotten here through evolution, and being the most intelligent animals on the planet (we share 98% of our DNA with Chimpanzees) this planet is ours.....OURS....to take care of. There isnt even evidence for a soul, let alone a god or consciousnesses. While its impossible to prove that something doesnt exist, it has been PROVEN that everything we see and know of got here WITHOUT OUTSIDE HELP. Everything, from the Big Bang to your pimples, got here through..........Evolution, The above mentioned belief systems are for several things, the first of which is alleviation of fear. The second and most importantly is for control of peoples minds. A third is an excuse for cold hearted apathy. An excuse to have no compassion. These religious/mystical groups always blame it on or credit it to either Gods mysterious ways or Its in the universal plan. This is ALL manipulation by powers who know how easily the masses are manipulated. Wanna be hated? Be born with the ability to not be manipulated. Summation: This planet is OUR responsibility. Not Shivas, Jehovahs, the zodiacs, or a consciousness outside our atmosphere. Those are pure fabrications, or lies, whichever word suits you. The pollution is OUR responsibility. The 26,000 kids who starved to death today are OUR responsibility. The 46,000 homeless veterans are OUR responsibility. Putting this responsibility off on imaginary friends is the epitome of no compassion, no empathy, and in my opinion, the mark of a sociopath. Worrying about yourself, and gods got the rest.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:40:55 +0000

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