Ive been wanting to write this status for a couple months now, I - TopicsExpress


Ive been wanting to write this status for a couple months now, I think Ive just been waiting for it to feel right. Over the last four years or so I have been expressing myself a lot through the medium of Facebook. It started off simply as a small challenge to myself to grow in the gift of writing. But as with any small thing with God, He of course took the opportunity to grow me and mold my identity. In the beginning, I started writing out revelations that God had given me. Some were simple, others very deep, but in all cases I began to quickly enjoy the unraveling of His voice and the sowing back together of His thoughts into word form. I loved it! I filled my phone with hundreds of notes and turned them into little pieces of bread that I could hand out over Facebook. Sometimes I would get a lot of responses, sometimes not much at all, sometimes even none at all! But that wasnt the point. Cause little did I know, I began to discover something along the way, something that I didnt even know I was looking for ... my voice. After months of writing, I began to feel more confident in sharing what God was saying to me, but over time, an interesting struggle began to take place. I started to feel that spiritual things were all I could post about, or rather all I should post about. Facebook, in a way, had become a platform for me to share Gods heart with people, to really encourage them.. and I didnt want to mess that up. So I began to stifle any desire to post non spiritual things that didnt fit that criteria. But as I quickly found out, that didnt feel too good either. The only way to describe it is like when a soda bottle gets shaken, building up that pressure and tension needing to be opened. But then I really became confused when God started to speak to me about other things, non spiritual things, even humorous things! And I would have this deep desire to write about it and share with people but I didnt want to get off track. It was a bit frustrating at times because I really wanted to steward my writing but along the way different ideas began to distract me. So one day I just said, You know what, I dont care anymore! Im posting this. And I posted something that I found absolutely hilarious. There was nothing spiritual about it whatsoever. And after posting it, I expected to feel a tinge of conviction... but all I felt was peace. It was as if God was smiling about something that He was waiting a long time for me to figure out. Its a strange thing to feel confused-peace, but Im confident God likes to get some laughs in before He reveals His hand. After a bit of hesitancy... and continued peace, I decided to let just those desires happen as they may. I started to write about anything and everything. God, life, marriage, movies, family, struggles, xbox, church, cereal ... Mmm, now I want cereal. I just wrote my thoughts! That is when something truly amazing began to take place. Any little box that I had created, any small thinking that I had confined God to, any border in my mind that I had not allowed God to step pass began to slowly crumble. I felt free to be me and free to express ALL of God within me. And guess what, people somehow still got ministered to either way! Whether I was posting something spiritual or something funny, people would randomly message me at times to say thanks and that it brightened their day. I was shocked at how much God was ministering to people through everyday life things. So I kept writing and writing and grew anyway I could. Whether it was for humor, revelations, announcements, even birthday wishes, I wanted express my personality through it all. But there were times when the enemy would try and tell me I needed to pick. That I need to stick to just one thing and not share all my thoughts. But the Lord would come behind me with a hand on my back saying, No, I have called you to be you. Never compare yourself. The freer you are the freer theyll be. Just be you. So I would brush off those lies along with the opinions of man and continue in the will of God, to be me. And I gotta say, it has radically changed my life. Its allowed me to see God so much more for who He is. Hes a family man, He loves good jokes, He likes to stare at the stars, He appreciates the little things, He goes the extra mile, He love-love-loves the adventure, and His love language is genuineness. Why am I writing this? I want to encourage you, to simply be you. For me, I found that in writing. But since then, its allowed me to discover more of who I am in many different areas (film, preaching, etc). Find that one thing. Find that one area and allow God to have fun with you in discovery. As Im writing this, I see a picture of a room with the blinds shut. At the very end of the blinds there is some light peaking through into the room. And God is saying, Let the light in. Remove the blinds. Open yourself up and allow God to take you on that journey. Maybe you already have some areas that you enjoy God in. Then go deeper into those places. Trust me!.. theres no end. And allow that to overflow onto the rest of your life. God wants to give you life and life more abundantly. Thanks for reading this ridiculously long status. You definitely get a gold star for getting through this one. I hope its encouraged you in some way. And remember, just be free in who you are and have fun with it. The world needs you to be you. You were created with great gifts and purposes. Yes you. You were carefully handcrafted by the creator of the universe to express the beauty and the majesty of His love. Thanks :)
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 17:06:24 +0000

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