Ive changed so much this last year its amazing. Starting to view - TopicsExpress


Ive changed so much this last year its amazing. Starting to view the world backwards and upside down, it takes some time to adjust your eye but you slowly start to see that our whole lives have been a lie and everything in our culture is apart of that lie and it grows and becomes harder to seperate the lies from the truth everyday. We have watered down what is acceptable and ok and we make exceptions for what the bible says is wrong and sinful more and more. Our culture makes it harder and harder to recognize sin because it is becoming the cultural norm and you are looked down upon by those who arent following or understanding Jesus and his path, Wide is the gate but narrow is the path which means heaven is open to all who follow Jesus and his word but very few will walk that specific narrow path that God laid out for us through his son. It is the culture we have created that is causing so many of gods people to sin constantly on a daily basis without even realizing it, but the bible makes it clear that Jesus doesnt tolerate ignorance of sin because the bible lays out very clearly how to live our lives and avoid sin. We raise up false idols in our celebrities who steal your praise for god away and we worship them and strive to be more like them than Jesus, and our kids look up to these sinful people who are shaping them rather than their parents ever introducing Jesus and his light and love into their lives. This is creating a generation that is completely culture driven rather than driven by faith and the word and it is why its failing. We are worshiping the beast and his image, meaning we are worshiping ourselves and others who are only flesh rather than worshiping a god of spirit not bound by physical things, we sin because of our flesh and the physical world, it is our animalistic nature an desires as humans that we are fighting against with the spirit of god that operates these physical bodies. You can gain the world but lose your soul or u can lose the world and gain everlasting life! The bible wants us to resist these temporary physical temptations to inherit his kingdom like Charlie in the Chocolate factory. They have golden tickets to a giant candy factory but are told not to eat, none of the kids can resist (narrow is the path) except charlie who gives up the everlasting gobstopper and because of that he inherits it all. Now is the most critical time for people of faith to really open your bibles and study what the word says, because if we stay swimming in the river of our culture we will get swept away and drown, and that currant is getting harder and harder to swim away from but if we follow Jesus and let his light shine in our lives we will never go blind, never drown and never thirst or hunger again!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:04:15 +0000

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