Ive decided to post this up date regarding some of the things i - TopicsExpress


Ive decided to post this up date regarding some of the things i write on face book regarding a high understanding i have got of the wing Chun system ive been studeing wingchun 3 quarters of my life wing Chun is my life and my beautiful boy and his mum that works so hard back to wing Chun i have posted a number of papers of wing Chun regarding my deep understanding of the system but its like banging your head against a stone wall i have taken my wing Chun and tested it un the flames of combat not at some tournament were u have rules and cloves once these r in place you might as well amit defeat wing wasnt made for rules wing was greated out of the necessity to survive somet tye kwon do women the other day called wing Chun dirty boxing some martial arts are moveing into the sporting areana more and more they are loseing the way all systems were greated out of the need to survive some have lost the spark wich made them a survival combat system basically used to protect your life and if need be take life wingchun has kept its spark wing Chun is like it has a life it never stays still it evolves for a all the time i have really got to the very core of the system i learnt the complete system so i thought then i began to realise the different energy systems molded into each other sil lum tao gun lik energy absorbing your opponents energy and redirecting back good at close range if theres cap pow you opponent will be hurt when that power is realised can cause alot of damage then heel Mar chum kil either turning power or the use of you heel Mar wen bridgeing the gap long bridge arm this is a powerful toward attack Attacking leg and head while jamming your opponent or useing your close ra ge Arsenal learnt in chi sau basically tying the opponent up in knots while useng your hips turning in the strikeung while one the front foot is ingaged with your opponent next yar Mar push pull energy introduced proply in bil jee put also used before Ina lap strike but in bil jee ir really shows power in the whole of the first second also useing circle stepping use intro duced some call it triangle stepping each to there own the the bil gee fingers highly effective in combat if your condition you finger they will be like knifes the throat neck eyes abdomen other points as well but these must be taught by a capeble instructor Il give you one stomach nine,on the side of the neck this brings me to the last energy wich can be incorporated into the wing Chun system farvhing rebounding force used in dim mak applications i incorporated this energy system because it causes internal damage to your attacker i have lost count of the times ive used stomach 9 to knock alot of peoples out but with this extremely dangerous system u must learn the antidote or its holiday time in the scrubs also wen the knife form is used the footwork finishes the wing Chun footwork nicely all angles covers in the foot work this is just a small part of the understanding of wing Chun i spent years like a mad professor un ravling all of the energy system foot work now Iam forgetibg all this in real combat you cant be bogged down,with techniques in your mind its like a desease DONT THINK REACT this is the way if i dont get many people reading this this will be my last entry regarding the essence of wing Chun it wont be my lose sifu Karl lightning fist wing Chun founder my be if a oka e a fewwm videos of lightning fist should be a eyes opener
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 09:02:54 +0000

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