Ive got a fire down in my soul i cant contain I cant control...I - TopicsExpress


Ive got a fire down in my soul i cant contain I cant control...I want more of you LORD I want MORE of you LORD!!! God bless everyone today....God is sooo good to me gave me such a wonderful husband...without God the outstanding moral and family values from my daddy and the love and teachings of the great word from my husband and church family i would not be where i am today. I do not have a million dollar home brand new designer clothes...but i am loved and provided for and strong in the Holy Spirit...WHAT MORE COULD A WOMAN WANT? Just more of you LORD!! I have come to a point in my life where i just cant seem to get enough...lol....especially since i have gotten married to add to living right thing... I just want to take a minute to hank my LORD JESUS...MY dearest Most HIGH: Bless you Lord for you are on time, loving, merciful, strong, forgiving among sooo many more qualities...thank you for allowing me to wake up to another beautiful day to share your loveing words to tell of you glory...thank you for loving me enough to fullfill my every need and knowing what they are, let your light shine through me for others to see so that they may seek you. Let your words be a tablet on my heart. Help me to stay in your light and grow closer to you at each waking moment you allow me to be here on earth. Keep your joy in my life and in my foes and family. Bless you Lord for you are my King. You know my heart my mind Lord...keep me in your spirit and help me to keep my body in subjection daily...for i too die daily. Thank you my most LOVED God for your patience with me and thank you for the blessings you give me daily...there are sooo many i cant keep count. Thank you for my marriage...you gave me a wonderful God fearing man..I pray Lord for the lost. Bless them Lord...I love you with all that i am!!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 11:24:59 +0000

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