Ive just lost a friend over the racial turmoil in this country, - TopicsExpress


Ive just lost a friend over the racial turmoil in this country, but it tells me that she wasnt a true friend to begin with. This is what I said to her in-parting, and any other friend that doesnt like it can also depart. This Mike Brown case has brought out peoples true colors. I would hope that youre not talking about me, but obvioulsy you are, so if thats the way you feel, so be it. All you have to do is delete me. Just know that my post today is not about race...its about police corruption, and a white ex-cop is the author. Just like the one by Frank Serpico. And just like countless police departments have been sanctioned for corruption, such as torture during interrogations, and planting evidence, and the state of Illinois put a moratorium on the death penalty because it was administered unfairly. Not to mention the fact that hundreds of black men have been saved from the death penalty through the Innocence Project. You dont have a problem with me when I speak out about the sins of the black community, so why do you have a problem when I speak out about police corruption or blatant racism? The Mike Brown case is filled with nothing but lies, and only someone that doesnt want to see the truth believes it. That is why there are so many white people participating in these protests. If someone breaks in your house, and you shoot and kill him while hes retreating, youre charged with murder. Police should be held to the same standard. Not to mention the fact that the police lied about Officer Wilsons injuries. Once someone tells one obvious lie, you cant believe anything they say. And who charges at someone that has just shot you multiple times? Why do you believe Mike Brown attacked the officer through the window when the officer admits that he grabbed Mike Brown? Why does he only have rosy cheeks instead of the busted eye socket that the Ferguson police department claimed? These are the things I speak about. I hate to lose you as a friend, because friendship is real to me. If you look at my friends list youll see people of all races, and I guarantee you not one of them will say they think Im racist. But whats right is right and whats wrong is wrong. You personally know that I dont support what the bad young black men are out there doing, but besides speaking out about it, what can I do? My son is 20 years old, and I finally got him to stop sagging his pants. But just because he used to sag his pants it doesnt make him a thug. I also said that Mike Brown brought about his own demise, but when he did the stupid shit he did he didnt know he would lose his life for it, and he shouldnt have. He should have gotten his dumb ass locked up. We all did dumb stuff at 18. Because at 18 youre still a child. Bottom line, Officer Wilsons account does not make sense, and only racists accept it.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 01:59:50 +0000

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