Ive tried to stay away from the Ferguson/Michael Brown murder - TopicsExpress


Ive tried to stay away from the Ferguson/Michael Brown murder because it breaks my heart. But I cannot sit back and act like it is okay. I know we all want to be politically correct but whatever happened to standing up for what is right? When did America get so soft and spineless? We have military equipment on a community of impoverished people and actually think its okay? A childs life is worth the cost of $2.00 worth of cigars? I know we have to spin it and justify the murder of this young man because that is what we (America) do, justify versus be truthful but the bottoms line is UNARMED. I am not interested in black and white, Latino, Caucasion or Hispanic this is about people in general. We have lost what was fought for 40+years ago. Foreign countries think we are hateful savages and rightfully so. They see the weakness in Americas fiber as we cant love, respect nor value each other which makes us easy targets for them. Slavery taught division among black people,KKK taught killing and control. Did we go back to that and nobody told me? Not about a black child being murdered, its about the hate and fear behind the murder. Its about the nasty comments condoning shooting someone down like a dog because you are a coward. Its about manhandling and controlling someone who has no ability to win. Its about a abusing authority because you can. Its about the hate this country has and refuses to acknowledge. I pray this young man didnt die in vain. I pray every person in this country does a self examination. I pray ever person in this country mans up. I pray every minority assesses this and recognize nothing was gained for minorities by sitting on the sideline. I pray the justice in this country truly becomes liberty and justice for all. I pray state officials and civil servants are screened more carefully. I pray citizens learn how to conduct themselves and get their positions across in an intelligent and respectful way. I pray for change in America. This isnt how it is supposed to be. We all know it, we are just afraid to stand up for it. Sitting down, sitting back, being a Facebook guru and commentator is fun but it is also cowardly! Use your voice to implement change in this country. No one else should have to bury their child because of a lack of understanding of cultural difference has cause another scared officer to kill them. Enough already! Signed sad and mad and horribly disappointed
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:07:42 +0000

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