Ive watched some people in this field share with love, generosity, - TopicsExpress


Ive watched some people in this field share with love, generosity, respect, kindness, and mutual support. These people have changed my life, and broadened the world as a whole around them. Their footprint is a soft one. They allow others to grow with joy, confidence, love, and respect. They make the most of everyone and I see people respond to this encouragement by becoming more than they ever could have been alone. The light of this crowd is undeniable and shines bright. Each of us benefits and grows because of their generosity. Each one of us (you included) widens the potential of all of us. Through these vibrant people, remarkable relationships have formed, and Ive watched others grow, learn, laugh, become inspired, and feel joy. Each wants to see the other succeed. To these people, I thank you! Then Ive observed others openly express greed, jealousy, hatred, and the thrill of the hunt. These people serve to conquer, create factions, divide, twist things to give root to hate, attempt to become bigger or better than, and fight to win attention or perceived abundance at the expense of anyone in the way. What looks like flattery instead serves a personal agenda. They enjoy openly pointing at others faults to belittle. Through these people Ive witnessed the impact of negative behavior on others who receive their ire, including reactions of confusion, depression, helplessness, anger, loss, isolation fear, and even abandonment of a passion. Ironically, this often makes the perpetrator quite happy and is considered a win because now the victim is less than. Something is not right with this. Through these people, however, Ive learned that boundaries are not rude or mean, but loving and necessary expressions of self-respect. They have also taught me the value of the *other* crowd: those who feel no threat from diversity or competition. So what do I believe? I believe each of us benefits the whole, and each of us builds on the parts of the whole, which continue to grow through each other. We have all learned from somewhere, and so little is taught without the benefit of anothers experience. We all are broadened from each other and expand through shared experiences. Those who choose to instead to destroy, criticize, divide, remove from the whole, and take.... I enjoy and deeply appreciate their absence. There is no question that when it comes to living this short life, my precious time is devoted to those whose dont feel threatened by others succeeding, feeling more motivated by how much they can take. I invite them to enjoy their space without my attention or participation. Boundaries are a loving form of respect for both the individual and the whole. If you witness someone saying unkind things about another, particularly when it is a pattern, usually there is a distinct agenda of self-promotion. Lies and exaggerations are easy, free ways to conquer a perceived territory on a shoestring budget. If you see someone doing this to another, dont think for a moment that youre exempt from the dynamic cross strings of the accuser. Chances are if you dont remain a good, dutiful soldier and nod in perpetual agreement, you also will become a perceived threat. Interestingly, those who did not notice or care that others were being bumped suddenly feel the world is in falling apart when the criticism is aimed at them. The ego is a touchy thing that takes nothing lightly when it comes to protecting the self. Its your purpose to become all that you are, but never at the cruel expense of another. Think for yourself. Be proud of what you believe, change it when you learn something new, continue to grow, and always, always know that there is enough for all. The shared gifts of the whole benefits each part, including yourself, as we are all part of the whole. Where would you be if no one had shared something either physically or intellectually? Yeah, me too. It would be a lonely place if little were shared. Interestingly, the crowd that is *genuinely* supportive will instead tend to be focused on the whole. They serve to benefit all. Its very obvious to me when I see a healthy, genuinely unthreatened person. By sharing, things EXPAND, they dont become more scarce. (Like the story where one candle can light the flame of thousands of others without losing its own light). We all build on each other. My other wisdom? Little about cruelty is about you, dont take it personally. When you see others behaving badly, typically it is their own dysfunction, anxiety, and issues that are being projected onto whomever they happen to be aimed at. Try not to take it personally when dysfunction dumps on you. Its *their* ugly, not yours. Dont own anothers bad behavior. Which would I prefer to around, or be like? There is no question as to which I choose keep in my precious and brief life space. Even a long life is short. Keep it happy.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 16:27:49 +0000

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