I’d love to say that I rarely lose sleep, cos that simply - TopicsExpress


I’d love to say that I rarely lose sleep, cos that simply isn’t the case, but last night was one of those awful occasions where sleep was just never going to happen. This was all down to the news received last night regards the changing in the parole law and how it will affect, not only the immediate friends and family of Robert Maltby and of course Sophie Lancaster, but on a bigger picture how these rulings leave open a huge doorway to intimidation, reprisal, retribution, increased social division and most worryingly further violence. Although I totally understand the feelings of outrage and hatred towards a guy that murdered Sophie and left Robert, the often forgotten victim, I worry that sentiments like “kill the chav” and “eye for an eye” are just not what the entire S.O.P.H.I.E. campaign has been working towards. Besides, the question is who are we angry with? Granted Danny Hulme and his associates should forever be reminded that they are solely responsible for taking a life and ruining many others, but surely the focus of our attention should be on the totally inept justice system, which listens to nothing and answers to no one. But surely there is something that can be done here? Social media is a hugely influential medium that must, on occasion, be used for more than promoting bands to Christmas number 1’s, advertising bands and clogging up the system with selfies, bit strips and pictures of cats? Surely we as a community, alternative or otherwise, can see that we have something in front of us that can make change – if we are loud enough? Time and again I see facebook being wasted on detritus that has no bearing on anything, not saying that in a whole is a bad thing as we’re all guilty at times, but that when outrageous and scandalous issues such as this arise then surely momentum can be achieved to make a change? Take for instance the recent Rolf Harris case, many are vocal that 5 ½ years is insufficient for the crime, fair point many would say, yet his jail term has been referred to the Attorney General for being unduly lenient simply after concerns were raised by a small number of members of the public. Surely something can now be done to at least highlight the issue, otherwise these blinded fools will open up a scenario that will lead to more prejudice, more hatred and more intolerance everywhere. An eye for an eye leads to a blinded world.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 07:24:28 +0000

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