I’m driving down to Micro Center in Westmont IL yesterday, and - TopicsExpress


I’m driving down to Micro Center in Westmont IL yesterday, and I’m pondering my wife’s aunt and uncle in Kingswood (Bristol, England). They were special to me when I was a child. They offered me safe haven when I didn’t feel safe at home. They’re in their nineties now. I last visited with them a few years ago. Mrs. Smola seems to never change, but Mr. Smola had been ill. As far as I know they’re both still alive. So what would happen to them if their pensions were taken away, and their access to health care? How would they survive? They’re much too old to work. This is the world the power elites are thrusting down our throats today. “Let them die!” is what they would have happen. Let’s not just blame the right the way much of our “progressive” media tends to do. Let’s be brutally honest. Both sides of the political divide are equally culpable. Examples? Democrats: Clinton deregulated the banks, repealed the Glass-Steagal act, enacted NAFTA and Gatt, and so much more. Click here for a list of Obama’s sins: stpeteforpeace.org/factsheets/20%20Ways%20Obama%20Betrayed%20World/20-ways.html Republicans: Simply look at the behavior of Scott Walker in Wisconsin, and John Kasich in Ohio. Observe how the Supreme Court always sides with corporate. And do we need to go into all the tax breaks for the rich, plus constant war? The fact is that both Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly follow the neo-liberal “model” of economics: I call it, “Give to the rich, take from the poor.” It’s not the right, or the left, that we should fear, but the power elites: bankers, speculators, CEO’s of international mega conglomerates, royalty, etc., and along with them, the corrupt, stinking, vile politicians who take their money for favors. The supreme court could use a clean sweep too. We have to stop playing right vs left, so we can come together and target the real enemy. - See more at: tonysblog.co/wordpress/?p=1589&preview=true#sthash.4BtfPfER.dpuf
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:26:19 +0000

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