I’m not sure if this list is supposed to be “Random” Facts, - TopicsExpress


I’m not sure if this list is supposed to be “Random” Facts, or just things no one knows about me. So…what follows is either one or the other! Thanks Mark…here’s my 9! 1. Two of my nicknames I was tagged with as a kid was Skeeter and Harry. I’m sure Harry was really meant to be spelled Hairy, and since I’m not shaving my legs for No Shave November, it’s coming back to me how I got that nickname in the first place. 2. After watching the show H.R. Pufnstuf, I nicknamed my brother “Marky Poo”, after the evil conniving character Witchiepoo. This goes back to 1969, which obviously was one of the few years we had television as kids. Many of the years growing up we didn’t have any tv at all. 3. And during those years of no television, my brother Tom brought a pool table home, which made its way into the middle of the living room. With little else to do, I had lots of practice & became a teenage pool shark! I tagged along with Mark to lots of pool tournaments, and those old guys sure didn’t appreciate a snot-nosed girl venturing into their little corner of the world. But the biggest feather in my cap came when I beat Punk Ostenberg during a pool tournament at the Legion. It sure got him riled though! 4. I was hospitalized after my sister Phyllis took me to see the Alfred Hitchcock movie “The Birds”. Seems crazy, but I was totally traumatized! After a few days of keeping me sedated, they sent me home. We NEVER had pop in the house as kids, and I thought I was pretty special that my mom was treating me to a little dixie cup of Pepsi every now & then. But it really wasnt much of a treat - it was the most horrible tasting stuff! (Obviously mom mickeyed my soda pop with some sedatives!!) From this experience, I have NOT drank a sip of Pepsi since the age of 4. 5. I was 7 years old the first time I started playing around with my mom’s old sewing machine. The very first thing I attempted sewing was a pair of shorts for myself, out of some turquoise/black/white cotton fabric left in my mom’s stash. They were very one-dimensional, as I thought making clothes was just like putting clothes on a paper doll (for those of you old enough to remember what a paper doll is, you’ll understand). So needless to say, there was a bit of a “fit issue”, especially in the crotchal area!! I still have her sewing machine…but I no longer have the shorts! There IS a scrap of that fabric in a quilt I have though! 6. My first dance steps were on top of my dad’s feet…to Kitty Wells’ “It Wasn’t God That Made Honky Tonk Angels” and “Honky Tonk Waltz” (They were my 2 favorite songs…obviously I had an early obsession for Honky Tonks!!!!) In years that followed, I traveled all over with my dad to square dances, as he served as a square dance caller. At many of these, they’d need an extra dancer, and I’d get put in to fill a square. I may no longer do-si-do or promenade my partner, but I still absolutely love to waltz!! 7. I’ve never learned to swim, since I can’t get past the fear of being in water over my head. The fear came from 4-H camp, and nearly drowning at Heart Butte. I give my thanks to Dawn Davison & Leigh Ann Schnell for my H2O fears! 8. I once accidentally dated identical twins. I may not have been aware of it at the time, but I think they were! That’s just all I have to say about that. 9. Dr. Jake called my sons “miracle babies”… and they are! I had to undergo surgery because of infertility issues, and they didn’t hold out any high hopes I would ever have any success getting pregnant. I proved them wrong…3 times!! I thank God for those miracles every day!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 10:32:18 +0000

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