JESUS IS LORD OUR WAY HAS GOT US IN DARKNESS HIS WAY WILL SAVE US DELIVER US INTO LIGHT Its ALL about relationship knowing who you are in Christ and knowing Jesus as the ONLY way and Gods absolute truth ...nobody can go to Father but thru him God loves us accepts because of what Jesus did on the cross thats relationship...we are right with God because of what Jesus did God does NOT love us accept us because of what we do...we are NOT right with God no matter how hard we perform to earn his love acceptance thats religion Exponential difference in every way to live and do to earn Gods love verses way we live and what we do is because we know God loves us... We could spend our whole life trying to bridge the gap between God and us and the moment we accept Jesus as bridge the gap between us and God no longer exists...there is no sin no wall no time and space between us and God when we believe blood of Jesus what he did on cross bridges gap between man and God Satan comes to steal deceive destroy Jesus came to give us abundant life Jesus on cross made us forgiven and free from works of devil He said he overcame world and in him we are victorious Jesus ONLY did what he saw Father do ....Jesus ONLY spoke what he heard Father say Jesus said believers in him can do and speak what he did and said we can do even Greater Just like Neo in the Matrix when we live like Jesus is ONLY way to God we become like Superman.......
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 04:14:34 +0000

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