JESUS WORDS REALLY IS THE LAMP UNTO OUR FEET AND LIGHT UNTO OUR PATH...TODAY, Jesus spoke to me through his Word, on how to cure lifes WORRIES AND ANXIETIES. Everyone has this. ANXIETY IS A FEELING. CAN FEELINGS BE TRUSTED? WHAT IS JESUS ALTERNATIVE TO FEELINGS? Jesus address the issue that everyone of us face, and that is WE WORRY ABOUT OUR LIVES. Everyone worries about life. Even rich people. Many dont admitted, but they do. The worried everyday if the stock market crash, they worried that someone might steal their money, they worried that one of their staff might do some unchecked dealings with investments resulting in bankruptcies...On the other hand the poor worries too. They worried they dont have any of the luxuries that the rich have. They worried about their lack while the rich worried about what they have... Jesus comes right out and give them the cure for their anxiety. ANXIETY IS A FEELING, OF WORRIED, NERVOUSNESS, UNEASINESS. ITS A FEELING, FEELINGS CANT BE TRUSTED. They are various and changes from day to day. How many times we based our whole LIFE BEING LED ABOUT BY OUR FEELINGS about our situations. Feelings tends to magnifies whatever it focuses on. JESUS IS SAYING THAT THE CAUSE OF OUR WORRIES AND FEARS AND ANXIETY IS BECAUSE WE HAVE THE WRONG PERSPECTIVE. The light that guides us and is in us is causing us to be blind. We look at the wrong sources. We think money will solve every issues in life. And if that is our perspective, then OH, HOW DARK THAT PERSPECTIVE IS...Money helps, but does not solved our problems... This is the cure that Jesus said if we appropriated well it will change you from being LED BY FEELINGS INTO LIVING BY FAITH. THIS IS THE TRUTH FOR YOU AS A CHILD OF GOD...YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER KNOWS WHAT YOU NEED... People who do not know God SEEK EAGERLY to have their needs met by money but we as Gods children must EAGERLY SEEK TO HAVE OUR NEEDS BE MET BY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER...WOW! Jesus, then says, the cure for your anxiety is..SEEK THE THINGS THAT ARE WITH THE FATHER...his kingdom, his rule, his righteousness, and all these things that worries you will be added...HOW? It doesnt say how things will be added, BUT IT DOES SAY, YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER KNOWS WHAT YOU NEED...that is FAITH. FEELINGS LEADS YOU TO WORRY AND ANXIETY ABOUT YOUR every day life..FAITH keeps you connected to the ONE who provides. When we give our worries and anxieties to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER today, YOU DONT HAVE TO DREAD tomorrow, or even drag your worries and anxiety to tomorrow. TOMORROW DOES NOT NEED TODAYS WORRIES AND ANXIETIES...It will have enough for itself. LIVE TODAY, IN THE KINGDOM OF YOUR FATHER. Jesus said, WORRY DOES NOT ADD ANY BLESSING TO YOUR LIFE, BUT FAITH DOES. WHEN WE LIVE for God, AND PRIORITIZE who He is in my life...HE ADDS to my life. Are you putting God first, or are you pursuing Mammon first...REMEMBER, FAITH IN GOD ADDS TO YOUR LIFE, FAITH IN MAMMON TAKES AWAY FROM YOUR LIFE...LETS TRUST OUR HEAVENLY FATHER TODAY...HE KNOWS WHAT YOU NEED...Refocus your perspective and you will NOT worried about life today, nor tomorrow...Amen! Lets do this family...(Matthew 6:25--34)
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 23:03:55 +0000

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