JOHN BENJAMIN AND HIS METRO NEWSPAPER HENCHMEN By Josephine Koroma (Iron Lady) Past Wednesday, I was standing with my friend by the Commercial Bank along Siaka Stevens Street discussing about the current shocking ebola figures for Western Area when my friend showed me a piece in John Benjamin’s Metro Newspaper titled “London Paopa Brigade in turmoil”. It was one of the usual pieces by John Benjamin’s newspaper to create mischief and spread lies to blackmail Julius Maada Bio. And my friend knows me now that I don’t tolerate mischief makers especially those few henchmen at Metro Newspaper who through lazy journalism sit in their offices and make up fanciful stories for entertainment. For a starter, the JOB Henchmen wrote in the piece that there was a “massive boycott on Saturday at Fatima Bio’s birthday party”. I was not in London, but thanks to facebook where Mrs Fatima Bio posted her birthday pictures and I saw many people of class and elegance. But I do not need to be in London to understand that which person with his right senses can boycott a glamorous birthday party of a woman who is the princess of Nollywood in London with multiples of international awards to attend the birthday event of a German Politician like John Benjamin (Mr Hirsch) who is known for his legacy of corruption and embezzlement in SLPP. The scoundrels in JOB’s Metro Newspaper should never forget that the SLPP is financially crippled today because during his chairmanship, JOB corrupted over a billion from SLPP coffer. Rather than writing that loony publication, Metro Newspaper should be advising John Benjamin to return back to the SLPP the Le 990 million raised from the Flagbearer contest which was to be used as seed money for the Julius Maada Bio’s 2012 election campaign. Metro Newspaper can also do more good to promote the owner of their newspaper, John Benjamin, if they can tell us that in 2010 -2011 when UNDP funded the refurbishment of the SLPP party headquarters with more than Le 100 million, why did John Banjamin also claim in his handing over note that he disbursed from the party coffer Le175 million during the same period to carry out similar work at the party office. How can JOB disburse extra Le175 million from party fund if UNDP had already funded the very refurbishment of the party headquarters with more than Le100 million? Kukujumuku or fish cake accounting! The henchmen in Metro Newspaper rather than writing daydreaming story about people who are in turmoil, they should tell us how John Benjamin left the SLPP in financial turmoil after the $263,000 donation from Nigerian President Goodluck following the 2012 elections that when Chief Kapen took over there was ONLY $2,000 in the SLPP coffer. And as “monkey nor dae lef e black hand”, now we know from people who attended the JOB birthday party in London that the guests were all conned to pay £50 to attend a birthday party and not a declaration launching. The talk in London now is that people are so annoyed in London that since the event SLPP members do not visit John Benjamin at his daughter’s house. Therefore, it is interesting how the Metro Newspaper published the rubbish that Julius Maada Bio’s Supporters in London are refusing to pay their monthly contributions of £50 for his flagbearership ambition. I do not live in London so I wont say anything about that but what is really wrong if many supporters who believe in the charismatic leadership of a young handsome Julius Maada Bio make monthly contribution towards making him a president? When Pres. Obama was contesting for the Democrat Leadership didnt ordinary democrat members who believed in his leadership make their contributions starting from as low as $2 or $5 to as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars? When Pres. Koroma was contesting in 2007 elections didnt John Sesay (who now thinks he should inherit the presidency like a family property) make financial contributions towards Ernest Koroma’s campaign? The sad news for John Benjamin is that apart from his immediate family members no sane SLPP member will contribute towards JOB’s flagbearership because he is old, corrupt and uninspiring. The writer of the piece in the Metro Newspaper also stupidly wrote that Julius Maada Bio has a direct debit set up with Barclays Bank in Central London. I do not live in London but a simple google search could have enlightened those miscreants in Metro Newspaper that a particular individual who receives money from people do not need to set up a direct debit at any bank rather it is the people who are contributing or given money to the particular individual who need to set up the direct debit on their personal bank accounts. So how can Julius Maada Bio set up a direct debit if it is true he is the one receiving monthly contribution? John Benjamin needs to educate his little miscreants at his newspaper what is the meaning of setting up a direct debit. Also, I do not live in London but a simple google search could have enlightened the mischief makers at Metro Newspaper that there are many branches of Barclays Bank in Central London therefore just to make silly story of setting up a direct debit can only convince the few people John Benjamin convinced that he was going to manipulate for Alie Bangura to win the Chairmanship in Bo but after the defeat he eventually left the hall like a headless chicken. Therefore, despite the 444 hardship and the worsening situation of the Ebola disease, to many of our SLPP members in London who are making both financial and moral contributions to ensure that Julius Maada Bio becomes the next SLPP flagbearer and eventually President, we the “homebase” members or foot soldiers of the Paopa Brigade are PROUD of all your contributions. And as your recent rebuttal which rubbished the Metro story by the lunatics, you are well organised and committed to a Julius Maada Bio presidency. No amount of lies and blackmail should distract you people in London because you are on the WINNING TEAM. We the grassroot members are holding the ground here that not even the helicopter will land. As the majority in SLPP, we believe that Julius Maada Bio is our ONLY choice and he is our BEST choice to redeem our country from this poverty and wipe away our tears. And by God’s grace we shall overcome and Julius Maada Bio will be our next president in Jesus name. Just say Amen. Anna Moussa Abdulrahman Kaiyo Kaikai Abdulrahman Turay John Abu Joseph Didi Fawundu John ControversialTruth Genda Farook Abdul-karim Sesay Baindu Kaikai Bockarie Bawoh Amadu Lamrana Bah Amadu Massally Patrick Sheku Bockari Sheikh Bawoh Sheku Lexmond Koroma Henry Sheku Pay Wahun Bashiru Kargbo Demba Kanji Daramy Ruby Juma Deen-Mapiye Kabineh Kallon Ibrahim Misheal Kallon Kanja I. Sesay Senesie Jannie Tarawally Dawah Sesekoker Lovetta Lebbie Elogima Lebbie Michael Jack Muana Ndemowoma Y. Mustapha Khalil Mustapha Mustapha Wai Mohamed A S Mustapha Agnes K Dugba Macauley Robert Malcolm Taylor D Emmanuel Manley Foday Mohamed Koroma Foday Rado Yokie Emily Laverley Ekundayo Cole Claudia Anthony Sorie Fofana David Sormana Jaiah Sorie Sudan Vandi Kong Jakema Tewor Sinava Macarthy H E Tommy Massaquoi Eddie Mavy Sylvester Edwin Wright Tunde Lewally John Benjamin Jr. Samuel Genewai Panda Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-kanu Jarrah Kawusu-Konte Yusuf Keketoma Sandi Sylvia Olayinka Blyden Politic O Newspaper
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 10:26:53 +0000

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