JOIN US THIS SUNDAY AT 10:45 am Digging, Not Dabbling, In - TopicsExpress


JOIN US THIS SUNDAY AT 10:45 am Digging, Not Dabbling, In Doctrine How It All Began – We Believe in Creation (Gen. 1:1) Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The Bible clearly states that: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1). Exodus 20:11 adds: For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Genesis 1:21-23 declares that God created birds on the fifth day, thus the introduction of the chicken: no record of God creating eggs. ☺ The beginning seems to refer to the first part of the first day of creation, not to “time” trillions of years before (remember, time began with creation). Note: The beginning of John 1:1 predates all of Gen. 1:1, for Christ is the eternal Word. God’s Word leaves no space for us to ask the question: “Who done it?” It clearly says that “God” (Elohim) created. It is interesting to note that this is a plural noun in form but is singular in meaning when it refers to the true God. God the Holy Spirit clearly wants us to know that there is a plurality in Deity. In fact, verse 26 reinforces the thought when God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness….” The use of the plural pronouns expand on the revelation made in verse one with the use of the plural of Elohim. The creation was an act of the Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person was involved. Generally, we could say that the Father planned the creation, the Son spoke it into existence (Jn. 1:3; Col 1:16; Heb. 1:2) and the Holy Spirit carried out and finished the work. (Gen. 1:2). However we must not divide the Persons of the Trinity too decisively. This creation was like no other. It was made from nothing (ex nihilo) and can only be understood “by faith” (Heb. 11:3). No cosmologist can come to this conclusion apart from faith. Creation cannot be discovered through experiments or human reason, although these can support it. The conclusion of creation can only be a matter of faith. It is interesting that even evolution demands the element of faith. In fact, a faith that is extremely far more reaching than biblical creationism. An evolutionist has to believe that all evolved from the lesser to the greater. He believes that complex evolved from the simple, when the second law of thermodynamics proves quite the contrary. There is not one single example of such. Our text says that God created (bara). The subject of this verb in the Bible is always God. He is the source of such activity. It is more restricted than the word “create” in the English language. E. J. Young summarizes the argument for ex nihilo creation: (1) the significance of bara when taken in connection with bereshith, (2) the emphasis upon God’s unique and exclusive activity, and (3) the progress of thought in Genesis 1. God’s Word does not try and prove His existence. It simply states it! The first verse of the Bible declares that a triune God created the heavens and the earth from nothing: a work that has never been duplicated. God spoke and the universe came to be. He spoke and the chicken appeared. It was not mystical or magical. It was the unique creative handiwork of God. Now read Job 38-40:5; Psalm 19, 33, 136; isaiah 45 and conclude with Isaiah 40:25, 26. Our God is like no other! He: transcends creation, is immanent in creation, contains creation, is the channel of creation, is the destination of creation, is the antecedent of creation and the upholder of creation (Col. 1:15-17). Bow before Him in humility and yield to His Word and Way. “There’s No One Like Jehovah!” It began with Him and will end with Him. Will you submit to Him or continue to debate about a chicken and an egg? Pastor Max K. McCullough – Bethany Community Fellowship – 2/16/14
Posted on: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 19:38:51 +0000

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