JOnl Sean Hannity’s show, Mr. Levin, says the 1790 citizenship - TopicsExpress


JOnl Sean Hannity’s show, Mr. Levin, says the 1790 citizenship law makes Barack Obama a “natural born citizen”, and that he has not really researched it. Well I suggest he read the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, passed into law by Congress and signed by the President in 1866, and fully ratified by the requisite number of states in 1868. I would also suggest he read the debates in Congress and the decision they came to in drafting the 14th Amendment. In their debates they discuss who should and should not be a “natural born citizen” of the United States. they excluded Native American. not taxed, the Children of Ambassadors from other nations and the children of employees of foreign governments. and then they also excluded, the children of “temporary sojourners’. persons in this country, who do not seek citizenship, but are merely visiting. They also determined that jus sanguinis, is paramount and that like name, the citizenship of the child is inherited from the father, in all cases, except, when the father has died prior to birth, or the father is unknown, only then does the citizenship of the mother apply. To be certain that U.S. citizenship applies, a person must be subject to, “the complete and total jurisdiction of the United States”, that means not only are they subject to our laws, as anyone visiting is subject, but that they are also subject to military service for the United States, and their allegiance can not be claimed by any foreign entity. Now, understanding this as the basis for being a U.S. “natural born citizen”, ones father must hold total and complete allegiance, and be under the sole juridicition of the United States. This therefore, precludes Barack Obama’s claim of being a “natural born citizen” as required by Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, in as much as his father, or the person he claims as his father, was not then, nor ever has been a U.S. Citizen, but rather a citizen of Kenya and a subject of the British Empire, and makes Obama, a British subject by birth. However, this same interpretation, would also exclude Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio from seeking or holding the office also, as neither of their “Fathers” were U.S. citizens at the time of their birth. The law, and the debates on this issue are extremely clear. Now the left will argue tha Wonk Kim Ark, a decision by the SCOTUS in 1896 voids the 14th Amendment’s restrictions. But Wong Kim Ark was wrongly decided, not only contrary to the 14th Amendment, but also to existing statute, U.S. 22.14, and existing treaty with China, which forbade the issuance of citizenship in the United States, to any person, of Chinese decent.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 06:29:11 +0000

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