~JS Declassified Operation Gladio: NATO and the admitted false - TopicsExpress


~JS Declassified Operation Gladio: NATO and the admitted false flag fake terrorist attacks In August 1990, Giulio Andreotti, Italian Prime Minister, confirmed that during the Cold War period had existed in Italy and other Western countries, some of them attached to NATO, a clandestine army under the code name Gladio. His revelations led to a major political scandal, not only admit, but because he had denied in 1974, when he was defense minister. The result of those investigations conducted in Italy between 1974 and 1990 came to light following information concerning the activities of the sinister Gladio, which sometimes appeared as a right-wing terrorist organization, and sometimes the extreme left, as appropriate their purposes. And what are these purposes? Destabilize certain European governments for the benefit of United States and increased their political influence in them. The Gladio network never acted in Britain. Some terrorist actions carried out by Gladio: 1960 – Turkey: The military, backed by the CIA Gladio and still run by Allen Dulles, organized a coup and killed Prime Minister Adnan Menderes. 1964 – Italy: The Socialist ministers abandon their posts in the government after receiving death threats paths by the Gladio. Harassment maneuver known as Operation Solo. 1967 – Greece: Gladio organization in that country, acting under the banner of Hellenic Raid Force (Hellenic Raiding Force) stages a coup, established a military dictatorship. 1968 – Spain: ETA appears and commits his first murders. In 1970, the trial summary that has gone down in history as the process of Burgos. Facts of the case dated back to 1968. On 2 August of that year was assassinated police Apples Meliton, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Social of San Sebastian police station and was the first victim of ETA. On June 7, was killed José Pardines Azcay, Civil Guard officer during a traffic check. These were the first killings of the terrorist network and decided to try using a military tribunal to sixteen of its members. 1969 – Italy: a bomb explodes on a bench in Piazza Fontana in Milan, killing 16 people and wounding 80. In 1999 the former head of Italian intelligence service, General Maletti, said the attack was devised by the Gladio and alleged terrorists of the extreme right, supported by members of the Italian security forces that would have provided coverage. 1973 – Spain: The assassination of Admiral Carrero Blanco, head of Government and expected continuation of the scheme. The admiral, who had refused to provide logistical support to the Americans during the recent Arab-Israeli war, was killed one day after meeting in Madrid with the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. 1975 – Spain: A command of the extreme right, linked to the Italian Gladio network, attacked the office of a labor lawyer in Madrid linked with the Communist Party, which had not yet been legalized. 1976 – Spain: Mercenaries from the Gladio provoke a confrontation between different groups Carlist Montejurra during a demonstration in which several were killed. 1977 – Spain: January 24 Gladio perpetrated the massacre at number 55 Calle de Atocha (Madrid). Labor lawyers were killed Valdevira Enrique Ibanez, Luis Javier Benavides Orgaz and Sauquillo Francisco Javier Pérez del Arco, Serafin law student Holgado and administrative Antonio Ángel Rodríguez Leal, and seriously injured Gil Miguel Sarabia, Alejandro Ruiz-Huerta Carbonell, Luis Ramos Pardo and Dolores González Ruiz, married to Sauquillo. She was pregnant and lost the child also expected. The authorship of Gladio was confirmed by a confidential report of the Executive Committee for Intelligence and Security Services (CESIS), an agency under the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Italy. 1977 – Germany:{##34##} The Red Army Faction (German Rote Armee Fraktion, or RAF), also known as the Baader-Meinhof (by the name of their two most prominent), caused a great stir in Germany (especially in the fall of that year), which led to an unprecedented national crisis since the Second World War and which resulted in the deaths of 34 people and 20 members of the terrorist group due to various attacks and clashes with security forces German. 1978 – Italy: Assassination of Prime Minister Aldo Moro kidnapped by the Red Brigades, a terrorist organization founded in 1969 which declared Marxist-Leninist. Moro was kidnapped on her way to a session of Congress that was going to vote a motion of confidence in the new government led by Giulio Andreotti, the Italian Communist Party support. It was the first time you put into practice the so-called compromesso Storico by which the Italian Communists came to form the government of concentration to overcome the severe crisis suffered then Italy. Moro had always advocated the understanding between Communists and Christian Democrats. 1980 – Italy and Germany bombed the Bologna train station and during the celebration of the Oktoberfest in Munich, killing a total of 98 people and wounding over 400. In both cases there was evidence of the involvement of the Gladio and U.S. secret services. 1981 – Spain: mass poisoning by consumption of denatured rapeseed oil (Rapeseed Oil Syndrome) and alleged coup attempt of February 23. Several activities planned and executed by the CIA, and related to the entry of Spain into NATO, forced the resignation of then Prime Minister, Adolfo Suárez, and paved the way for the victory of the PSOE in the general election of 1982. 1983-1985 – Belgium: There is a series of actions as violent as absurd. Groups of armed men fired indiscriminately killing civilians in several restaurants and supermarkets in the district of Brabant. Up to 28 people were killed and thousands were seriously injured. The unfinished investigations suggested the involvement in the bombings of members of the Belgian Armed Forces and suspected right-wing groups associated with the American and British secret services. 1990 – Switzerland: found dead the former head of the Swiss secret army P26, Colonel Alboth, stabbed with his own bayonet, after having made sure that he was willing to disclose the “whole truth” about the clandestine activities of Gladio terrorist network in Switzerland . Read more at: pecangroup.org/declassified/operation-gladio/
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 22:46:56 +0000

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