JUDAH (A0974328) ****WIGGLE BUTT LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO CALL HOME**** Meet Judah, a Happy Go Lucky 3 year old Pit Bull. Judah was sadly surrendered by his humans due to the Housing Ban. His former humans had nothing but good things to say about Judah; he is good with children, and friendly towards strangers. Judah is tolerant of other dogs but has never met a cat yet. Judah is everything you would want in a dog; happy, playful, obedient, house trained, willing to please. Other than someone trying to make Judah look tough by cropping his ears, Judah is a great looking dog, a smart dog, just looking at the expression on his face shows he knows what is going on. Judah has no idea why he is in this new, scary environment, he has no idea why his humans abandoned him. Judah needs a new friend, someone he can shower his never ending dog kisses on, someone he can play catch with and have fun with. Judah would be a great dog for someone who is active and looking for a partner in crime to exercise with. And he is great with kids, what a great dog to have kids grow up with. But without you Judah does not get to experience any of this. Without you, coming morning time Judah will lose his life. And what a shame that would be, such a great dog. Are you ready to take that step? It’s easy one simple email to a rescue and he will be yours. Don’t Wait until it is too late. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=655221974490685&set=a.611290788883804.1073741851.152876678058553&type=3&theater
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 22:37:38 +0000

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