JUL 2 2:30 PM 1944 GREENSBORO N.C. Sgt. George Mac Carrigan - TopicsExpress


JUL 2 2:30 PM 1944 GREENSBORO N.C. Sgt. George Mac Carrigan 13053733 Branch 1 Section I O.R.D. Greensboro N.C. JUL 4 7 AM 1944 GREENTOWN IND. (TO): Mrs. George Mac Carrigan c/o Mrs. Walter Saul Greentown, Indiana Dearest Baby:- Received three wonderful letters from you after arriving back from our hike. I’m awfully beat at this minute + just about ready to crawl into bed. We hiked out to the camping site, a distance of ten miles with full field pack. Had a good day of water saftey + training, abandoning ship procedures; etc. Slept in our blankets in our tents + today we were on the rifle range all day. Carbine rifle + sub-machine gun firing + then hiked back tonight. So you see honey that your baby along with everyone else is beat but good. Darling, will you please try to understand my not writing as often as you. I know what letters mean of course, because your letters to me are all I have left to appreciate. So I naturaly do my utmost to write you as often as possible. With the schedule here I am writing as much as humanly possible. I hope your family is in good health + that you enjoy yourself, as I know you will. Don’t even worry about me baby, I’ll be back + soon, right home to mamma. After all I am your baby, you know. I hope the other letters arrived Ok + that your check has arrived. I sent them as soon as I found out when you were going home. That was swell getting Mother + John those presents + I know they apreciated (sic) them awfully much. Between you + me, Mother + John think you’re tops + you are. Please baby, never change; you’re one in a million. I can say over + over how much I love you + miss you + it still won’t releive the ache until I can be with you again. I’ve often wished I could write poetry but as I can’t I wish you would get “Browning’s poems ‘How do I love you” + you’ll know what you mean to me, everything. Baby, see if on one of your lip imprints you can’t get that little grimace you use when fixing your hair for bed. It’s funny, but I think of that more than anything else. Well darling, I have to go to bed now it’s almost time for lights out. As long as I have time now I’ll tell you I love you one time. I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you. Lights out darling, now to stay awake + think of you for awhile + then a hope that I dream of you. Goodnight darling. all my love Mac P.S. Please excuse my writing darling. I’m awfully tired. 2nd Letter within previous envelope. MORRISON FIELD WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA July 3, 1944 Dearest baby:- Please excuse the stationary as I haven’t had a chance to get more. We have just moved bag + baggage. We are now in tents on the other side of the field. I’ve just got settled down + have my two barracks bags sitting in front of me as I sit here on my cot. I’m in with a whole new bunch of men, so things are pretty quiet. I was just getting use to that other bunch to, well that’s the army for you. When I finish this I’ll try to find out our new address. If I can’t I’ll mail this + use the old address. I trust by this time you’re home safe + sound + that you find Mother + Dad well. Please give them my very best. Did the telegram for the checks arrive? Was sorry to hear abut your train incident, but it could have been a lot worse. I’m afraid the country is just infested with wolves. Darling, I sure appreciate your letters + look forward to every one just like you do. I’m writing just as often as possible. I’m getting this chance to write while waiting for a whole new deal of crap from this outfit. The details come so often after we get through a while day of processing it’s just all a fellow can do to get more than five hours of sleep a day. I guess they’re trying to toughen us up. What are your plans now baby, don’t forget to let me know + baby, keep my pajamas warm. Love you baby more than anything in the world. I always will + don’t forget I’ll be back + as soon as possible. Then “youse + me’s” will have a little Mac + Bonnie + settle down to the bestest (sic) looking couple in town. Conceited little cuss aren’t I. I’m sort of low tonight so I’ll settle down if I get a chance, + read your letters some more. They’re a wonderful tonic. There’s the whistle blowing now, must run darling. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. All my love always, Mac (drawing of lips)—KISS (corny eh?)
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 14:57:57 +0000

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