JYJ Shares Thoughts on Appearing on Broadcast for the Incheon - TopicsExpress


JYJ Shares Thoughts on Appearing on Broadcast for the Incheon Asian Games Opening Ceremony September 22, 2014 · rilanna For the first time in a long time, JYJ made an appearance on terrestrial broadcast. On September 20, JYJ held a press conference for its 2014 Asia Tour ′The Return of the King′ at the Mercedes Benz Arena in Shanghai, where the group talked about appearing on stage at the opening ceremony of the 2014 Incheon Asian Games. JYJ has ran for two years as the honorary ambassadors for the Asian Games, finally coming to the opening ceremony. JYJ′s performance was shown on live broadcast, allowing the group to appear on national TV as not actors, but singers for the first in a very long time. “It felt different. The last time the three of us appeared on national broadcast, it lasted about two seconds during president Park Geun Hye′s inauguration. Before that, it was four years ago at a KBS award ceremony, where we sang, I Found You. For the past ten years, we came out on broadcast twice,” said Kim Jae Joong. “So we were really worried yesterday. It wasn′t our stage that was important, but the shots of the Asian Games. We were worried that the focus would be on the [Games] and we would just come out for two seconds again,” continued the JYJ member. “But fortunately, the camera captured us for a long time. The feeling of appearing on broadcast after such a long time made us nervous and excited. We received a lot of congratulations from people around us.” “I performed, not thinking about the broadcast, but with the Incheon Asian Games as the priority, but when we came down the stage, our staff were teary-eyed. I realized then that we were broadcasted,” explained Park Yoo Chun. “I received text messages from friends from in and outside of the country. It was fascinating to receive texts because we appeared on broadcast. I wondered if it was something to receive text messages for.” “Either way, I really enjoyed the Incheon Asian Games. A lot of people all over Aia were there. A lot of the recognized us, so I had so much fun and enjoyable time while performing.” Meanwhile, JYJ began its concert tour on August 9 in Seoul, continuing onto Hong Kong, Beijing, Ho Chi Minh, Chengdu, and more, for a total of eight Asian cities. The Shanghai concert sold out 11,000 seats, already receiving a hot response. i1147.photobucket/albums/o550/JYJThree/2014/September/140920%20JYJ%20Concert%20in%20Shanghai/press/76376002.jpg Credit: Mwave Shared by: Park Yoochun FanPage
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 11:59:54 +0000

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