Jacqui Lambie should resign from Parliament if she is not going to - TopicsExpress


Jacqui Lambie should resign from Parliament if she is not going to take her job seriously, government MP Craig Laundy says, following the Palmer United senators warning that that Ebola-infected suicide agents could attack Australia. Senator Lambie on Wednesday asked the Vice-Chief of the Defence Force Ray Griggs, who was appearing before Senate estimates, about the theory. Do you have any information to suggest that Australias enemies could attack our country or military using the virus, for example with suicide agents who are affected with the disease, or have access to bodily fluids containing the disease, and what is your contingency plan to fight this? Senator Lambie asked. A diplomatic Vice-Admiral Griggs said: I dont believe there is any evidence to suggest that that is a likely course of action. One of the things, senator, that we have playing to our advantage is our geographic isolation and (with) the length of time that it takes simply to get to Australia, and the life cycle of the virus, it becomes very obvious relatively quickly how sick someone is, he added. So I think the ability to inject someone into the country, who is not showing symptoms, would be quite difficult, he added. Senate estimates provide parliamentarians the opportunity to grill bureaucrats about the expenditure of public funds and the implementation of policy. The theory of a such an attack appears to have first surfaced on the internet three weeks ago on the spoof US news website The National Report. The plot that has been uncovered is said to involve ISIS suicide bombers who have purposefully infected themselves with the Ebola virus, the satirical site reported. They would then synchronise their self-detonations in the populated areas of American cities. Fairfax Media is not suggesting Senator Lambies questions were directly related to the fake news report. When contacted for further comment, Senator Lambies chief of staff demanded that any questions be emailed. When Fairfax Media requested a response be given over the phone to avoid her office leaking the response to the rest of the media as has previously occurred, the staff member hung up. Labor backbencher Rob Mitchell said Senator Lambies latest round of bizarre comments proved the Palmer United Senator appeared to revel in the embarrassment she regularly brings to the Senate. She makes Pauline Hanson look bright, said Mr Mitchell. Mr Laundy said Senator Lambies claim was another in a litany of comments that left him scratching his head. The Liberal MP said he had been motivated to join Parliament because of the lack of quality of debate and Senator Lambies Ebola-infected terrorist-warning had taken that to a new low. Mr Laundry said Senator Lambie needed to realise that the job had to be taken seriously and when parliamentarians speak your words carry weight. If youre not going to take to take the job seriously, resign and put someone in who is, said Mr Laundy. My father has told me from a young age, if you find yourself in an environment where you dont know whats going on, shut up and listen and learn. Mr Laundys western Sydney electorate of Reid has a large Muslim population. He said Senator Lambies claim that the burqa should be banned so a womans body language can be read, and that Sharia law involves terrorism had serious implications. He invited her to his electorate this Saturday when all the major mosques are planning an open day. Instead of shooting from the hip and being poorly briefed and having no experience in the field, come to my electorate, Mr Laundy said. Come and meet an imam, come and have a chat, come and ask some questions, Mr Laundy urged.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 04:30:20 +0000

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