Jainbow Bright I am a WHITE WOMAN who lives in FLORIDA, North of - TopicsExpress


Jainbow Bright I am a WHITE WOMAN who lives in FLORIDA, North of Sandford, and I’m wondering WHY the ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law only applies to white people here? If you are protesting at the Governor’s Office or elsewhere against the Stand Your Ground Law, stop it; because you are arguing the WRONG POINT! It is exactly THAT Law that APPLIES to Trayvon Martin, NOT George Zimmerman! I’ve been thinking very legally minded lately after the recent ‘Not Guilty’ verdict in this case. It finally hit me like a bolt of lightning! Any good prosecutor in this case would have used the lack of duty to retreat and Trayvon’s Right to Stand Your Ground, and should have asked the judge for a Stand Your Ground HEARING on HIS behalf BEFORE this trial started! They screwed it up. George Zimmerman was allowed to be painted as the ‘victim’ because he was the only one left to live through it. Yet the nervous tone and obvious intention of the 911 operator saying, “You do not need to do that sir!?!” is CLEAR. George Zimmerman was pursuing Martin. Martin had every right, to punch him, hit his head on the ground, or use deadly force against Zimmerman, as he obviously felt this man meant him harm. The trained 911 operator seemed to get very concerned about what was about to happen! Due to the fact that Zimmerman was the ONLY one with a gun, Trayvon is the one dead, and Trayvon is the one who had the right to defend himself in the situation. ALL PROTESTERS SHOULD BE USING THE LAW TO MAKE THEIR ARGUMENTS TO THE STATE, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY THE (MUCH BETTER LAWYERS) AT THE FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS LEVEL. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MUST HAVE A STAND YOUR GROUND HEARING FOR TRAYVON MARTIN BEFORE, AND/OR IN ORDER TO ENABLE THEM TO FILE THE CHARGE AGAINST GEORGE ZIMMERMAN. People Hear Me! DON’T FIGHT AGAINST THE LAW, USE THE LAW AS IT IS NOW TO FIGHT FOR JUSTICE! THIS WILL GET YOU THE RESULTS YOU ARE TRULY AFTER! ASK THE FEDERAL GOV. TO HAVE A ‘STAND YOUR GROUND’ HEARING ON BEHALF OF TRAYVON MARTIN!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 16:42:16 +0000

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