Jamaicans werent taken from Africa. Americans werent take from - TopicsExpress


Jamaicans werent taken from Africa. Americans werent take from Africa. Brazilians werent taken from Africa. Haitians werent taken from Africa. Cubans werent taken from Africa. Surinamers werent taken from Africa. Africans were taken from Africa. And they were taken to Jamaica, to America, to Brazil, to Haiti, to Cuba, to Suriname. Africans were taken from African. Unlike · · Share · 1,576168383 · 11 hours ago · You, Judah Ethiopia and 1,573 others like this. 383 shares 52 of 168 View previous comments Michelle Rivera No u retard . The did not have name like Jamaican or Puerto Rican .. Yet when there slavery happen. They was Taino Indian in Puerto Rico when they brought Spanish conquistador found African chaos islands over African chap are African the reside in the island before slavery to black. Before they got Africans they had .. Indian slaves . Irish slaves. The Irish had it worst than the black slaves. They also where slaved 500 years longer. Since 1066 Irish where taken from Ireland. 900 year Of slavery a lot longer .. Than the Africans . Whom only did 400 year. . So get your fact straight .. they had to had slave people before Africans. How u think they got the ships made to get to Africa .. So stop taking the shin away from others painful history. All the race u mention where a part of slavery.. And they dont not take them from theses islands because they brought them too the islands And then left then there as slaves. Ahh u are slow . Not a good example for Africa .. Mother Land to all Of Us 5 hours ago via mobile · Like Craig Hughes Michiel Fishburne the point of the post is to highlight the diaspora of Africans. That you are not of the land that you find yourself in. .. Our people are divided by religion, class, by how many degrees they have (Dimi Walker), and allegiance to lands not of their own. Ive heard countless times, Im not African Im American. Im not African Im a Christian. . Muslim. . Ysraelite. The thread that follows this post further illustrates our division and the weakness therein. There is strength in numbers (heard they before? ). The wish for unity that inspires this post is the very same reason why Malcolm was murdered and why Garvey was brought up in trumped up charges by Hoover. Yes Ronni Duren other groups have endured slavery, however I am confused as to what that has to do with this post, furthermore the length and subsequent colonialism is very unique to the African experience. Often the point you are making is brought up by Europeans that feel guilty. ..Be careful of memes. This post is not to insight you to pack up your bags and return to the motherland or to inspire hate in where you reside, but rather to highlight the need for a Pan-African agenda. Our union must know no clime, boundary, or nationality. Let us hold together under all climes and in every country. Marcus Garvey P.E.A.C.E 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 10 Larry Fuller Your point is very well taken by conscious Kings and Queens my King. Dont get bog down by the haters, wise alecks or smart donkey holes. We have been conditioned to look upon The Mother Land in a negative light and yes we would put the lands we were brought to way ahead of The Mother Land, where our seed come from. We must tell our story, to keep it fresh in OUR Minds, and PASS IT ON TO THOSE COMING AFTER US, like our grandparents, also great grandparents Use To Do !!!!!!! One Love 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 11 Charity Smith Michelle Rivera you have it all wrong 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 Kiana Maki Truth! 5 hours ago via mobile · Like Duran Ochoa Michelle Rivera u r wrong it was only stated that we were enslaved 400 years. In all actuality we were enslaved much much longer than that. We were also enslaved much longer than any other nation due to the intimidation blacks brought to the whites. Being the original Kings and Queens of the WORLD we were robbed of our dignity, self respect, knowledge, and so on through it all weve lost our way n by reading some of these posts weve lost our minds as well. We were also forced to believe their religions which is a means of mental enslavement to divide and rule. We are also forced to believe in their European doctrines which robs us of our own culture I am a Jamaican born born in Victoria Jubilee hospital in kingston Jamaica but I am an African first. Dont let them fool you with this 400 years crap n that other cultures had it worst. We are the first, strongest, riches most knowledgeable people on earth this is why even to this day we get no credit but a white man always gets it. YouTube Hidden color 1 & 2 and much more out there knowledge is power but it seems manipulation is much more powerful. 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 5 Gregory Towers So how a people who want liberty and freedom call out to it enemy God and still seek freedom from theyre oppressor and not call out to a God of it own likeness and kind to give them liberty and freedom we must change the way we think So as they said give me liberty or give me death which they doing all over the world they are give us death so you make the call my people when are going to get tired of being the oppressed 5 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like · 1 Tim Taylor Thetoolman There is a lot of bitterness and hatred that still needs to be addressed here. At its root, Hatred is...The fruits of war are servitude and land. Before the all out kidnapping began there was already a thriving trade in humans as laborers and those paying their debt to the societies they belonged to for crimes committed. Arabs, Asians and Africans were a part of this trade. The way it became an actual atrocity was when Euro-Caucasians got involved and strived to use inner turmoil and conflict to turn a profit from the fallout. Its funny how NOBODY mentions Arabs part in this. The Saudis didnt just suddenly become rich from oil, that was a byproduct of their wealth from TRADING. Human traffic will ALWAYS be a commodity, the situation is how will the prisoners be treated. 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4 Roshell Williams Some people need to get familiar with the art of listening as opposed to just wanting to be right. Trying to teach the teacher and going off topic just to do it 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 Valerie D. Lewis-Mosley @ Amsoendowed-segun....do not generalize..You do not know all Black Americans so you can not possibly know what we all think. As well The reverse could be said from Black American perspective as to how they are treated by colonialized Afrjcans..but that does not make for healing of conflict when one is intent on dividing....be about peace. Not division. 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 Valerie D. Lewis-Mosley @ Tim Taylor the Toolman..Yes and still engaging in human trafficking of African peoples. 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Tim Taylor Thetoolman The point should be UNITY on a Pan-African level across the whole Afrikan diaspora. This Divide and Conquer technique has worked far too long and has had deep reaching affects on how we communicate and Build with one another. No degree or quote can trump reality and, guess what? YOU ARE ALL ABSOLUTELY CORRECT so, now what?! Keep arguing how you are right or how the next person is wrong until Earth is no longer habitable or start a process of companionships and business ties to tip the scales back in our favor. This is what the rich want, for us to stay at each others throats while they reap the profits of our continued conflict! Will we continue to give.them what they want or start utilizing our skills and resources for a Regime Change of our own by building a solid infrastructure along the lines of finance and agriculture? 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 6 Gregory Towers Some people say a art of listening are not listening themselves it all roots of same problems we all want liberty for our people 4 hours ago via mobile · Like Roshell Williams ^This is what someone who just wants to be right would say instead of actively listening. Fun fact, you cant learn if your mouth is always moving 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 William Shelton Re-unite 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 Gregory Towers When are we going to come together in Americas and Africa all places we dwell all over this planet and stop being divided by a sub Specie who is killing us and our planet Im not trying to be all knows Im not the Most High I like this forum at least we are talking about it so to the host all do respect peace and love always 4 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like · 3 Valerie D. Lewis-Mosley @ Michelle Rivera you need to check historical.facts. Slavery in various forms existed from antiquity but it was not.based in Race until the transatlantic slave trade which proved to be the mist vile form ever. CREDIBLE ANTHROPOLOGIST HISTORIANS note this. As to Irish they were not slaves but endentured servants big difference...The legacy You seem to be quite angry why..Learn truth.These The descendants ofPR are also rich African diaspora. CHILL GIRL. SHOW ME THE AUCTION BLOCK OR THE HANGING TREE WHERE ANYONE OTHER THAN A AFRICAN WAS SOLD OR HUNG.... 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 15 Haki Divine Listening, 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Roshell Williams The message here is very simple. We are all Africans, one people, no matter where we landed. Its a call for unity and proper identification at its core. So obviously people just had to start trying to argue about the use of the term Africa, how they dont like those colonized Africans, how they dont like black Americans, how their girlfriend is white, how the Irish were treated, who had slaves and who didnt, who sold slaves and who didnt, tainos, how long slavery lasted, what the olmec are, where the Africans sailed to before slavery, and countless other things that have nothing to do with recognizing ourselves as Africans and coming together as such. Why? Because people would rather talk than listen and understand. The message? Whoosh, right over a lot of heads. 2 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like · 10 Gloria DeCuir-Robert Awesome!!! 4 hours ago via mobile · Like Kasia Norine Karen Elphic Who said that wasnt the case? 4 hours ago via mobile · Like Valerie D. Lewis-Mosley @Tricee Peacee so true I keeo saying just because a Cat has her kittens in an oven does not make them biscuits.! 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Valerie D. Lewis-Mosley @ Roshell Williams well said..My people perish from a lack of Knowledge takes on a whole new meaning after reading the disconnect of these responses from the original post...SMH correction shaking my nappy locked up proud of it Black American Gullah Geechie Native Person but truly AFRICAN HEAD... 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4 Dawn Las Quevas-Allen No, the Irish were slaves, not indentured servants and were bred with the African slaves once they started arriving in the Americas. The practice stopped because the slave owners were no longer able to tell who was black and who what white with all the in-breeding! Although will say if you look into real Celtic history, you will find the these Irish & Scots were actually black and the word for kilt comes from the word Kinte and both cloths have different patterns to represent the different clans/tribes. I suspect this is why many were sold into slavery. Check the original Celtic coats of arm and read some of the history in this link. realhistoryww/.../anc.../Misc/Crests/Crests_2.htm 4 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3 Gregory Towers A fact check the original people of Ireland was from Africa who migrated from Africa to Spain to Ireland and was known as the moors check your fact people we are still talking about us who was teaching the Europeans of Europe 4 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like · 5 King Carlo Cartier Alot of us where already settled on these lands as well all Africans did not arrive on a boat 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 King Carlo Cartier Dawn Las Quevas-Allen thanks for that link ! 4 hours ago via mobile · Like Darryl Moore Ignorance isnt always bliss! 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 5 Nthaby Seng Again... this is profound in its simplicity... Africans were taken from Africa. Be silent and let it sink in...dont fight it... dont rationalise it. It is what it is... the simple truth Africans were taken from Africa 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 17 Azel Jones Indeed. 3 hours ago via mobile · Like Mikki Mosby-Winston Greene WE ARE ALL ONE! Lets remember. 3 hours ago · Like · 6 David Evans Sho right bout that.. 3 hours ago · Like Azel Jones Not so sure what we means during these post Trayvon/stand your ground law days ... Not sure at all! 3 hours ago via mobile · Like TaRessa Stovall Well, cant argue with that basic truth! Thanks for a powerful reminder! 3 hours ago · Like · 1 Dioniocio Paxifraco And result of being misplaced all over the world....we all have a million different views, no commonality....we debate over things that we should be together on! Reading some of these posts...helps me to see that since we truly know nothing of our history....is the reason we debate and try to prove one another wrong on our history!....its very silly and nonproductive!...lets move forward people! 3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 9 Charles Hill Africa love it 2 hours ago · Like · 1 Winston Jambuns Young From the lyrics of the late Peter Tosh` No matter way yuh come from as long as youre a black man youre an African`. 2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 7 Juliet Shema Jackson African is either barren or vexed because they are doing nothing to help their people who are dispossessed in most of these countries. 2 hours ago via mobile · Like Jasmin Rowe Africa 4 Africans ,,,Europe 4 europeans,,,,,asia 4 Asian,,, 2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4 Matthew Pedlar Diaspora 2 hours ago via mobile · Like DjDarryl EclipsRcsnyc stolen. forced. 2 hours ago · Like · 1 Robert Mensah Dosi Stolen from Africa all of dem. about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 5 Jean Small yep and they intermarried with everyone else -making their decendants ppl of mixed heritage and partly african decent -if i was to go back to everywhere my ancestors came from they would have to send several peices of me several diffrent countries including africa about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 4 Tamara Hurt Thanks! Im perusing some comments where people claim to know historical facts but lack the English language/composition to convey their knowledge! Hmmm #howcanyoubetakenseriouly!!! about an hour ago · Edited · Like · 2 Paul SFrosty Jackson And, when those taken to these western hemispheric lands, our other melanated ancestors indigenous to the Americas were (long) here. Nice to have the global brown clan re-united. Now, lets re-educate, re-organize, re-identify, and gradually take control of our Global African lives. 59 minutes ago · Like · 1 Mason Harold Black is Black is Black is Black, and its ALL BEAUTIFUL...... 55 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 3 Byron B-love Brooks JAH RASTAFARI 53 minutes ago via mobile · Like Willie Carr Jr Truth! 37 minutes ago · Like Terry Baruti TRUE DAT!!!!!!!! We came from da same LAND!!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 20:42:39 +0000

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