January 11 & 12 On Sunday Ian walked to the General Store and - TopicsExpress


January 11 & 12 On Sunday Ian walked to the General Store and got the papers and also coffees from The Penguin Cafe which is the only cafe here in Adventure Bay – it was foul!!! It tasted like boiled milk !!! Made a note not to go back there!!!! We then went to Cape Bruny which is the southernmost tip of the South Island – climbed up to the top of the hill to see the original lighthouse – very, very windy but spectacular views of the rugged ocean as it pounded the rocky coast!! There is also a Lighthouse Museum at the base of the hill alongside the two lighthouse keeper’s residences. I am continually fascinated how brave the early explorers were when they were navigating these torrid seas in the 1700’s!! There are a few homes scattered on the sides of the steep mountains – they would have wonderful views but very isolated and would have quite a drive over dirt roads to get to one of the two general stores at Bruny Island. We called into The Bruny Island Berry Farm on the way back – there was no picking happening on Sunday but we bought some youngberries to try, some jam, white chocolate coated raspberries and also a dessert of raspberries in champagne jelly to have with our dinner!!! Ian smoked chicken drumsticks for dinner and they were just delicious and the meat fell off the bone!! This together with our roasted Dutch Cream potatoes & other vegies and our decadent dessert from The Berry Farm meant we felt like Mr. & Mrs. Piggy at the end of the meal!!! Yesterday was lovely and warm so after a morning walk along the beach we drove to The Bruny Island Cheese Factory . The north and the south islands of Bruny are joined by a narrow piece of land called The Neck and it is dirt road and you need to be careful driving on it but of course there are always the bunnies who don’t drive to suit the conditions and such was the case yesterday and this guy had completely rolled his car and it was sitting with its bonnet up the embankment – by the time we got there the police were in attendance and we had to wait a while – we could see the skid marks in the dirt where he had come around the bend – he had two little kids in the car with him and they were being pacified by other motorists on the side of the road but luckily for him no one seemed to be badly hurt but he had probably just come off the ferry close by and now has a beaten up car – not a good way to start his holiday!!!! We got to the Cheese Company & had a beautiful coffee in their gorgeous out door area, did a cheese tasting & purchased some beautiful cheeses and other condiments they had – they also make wood fired bread – a fabulous spot and once again was Tasmanian Hospitality at its best. Then drove to Dennes Point which is the northernmost tip of Bruny Island and is quite a little seaside resort with lots of house virtually built on the shoreline – one art gallery/cafe but it wasn’t open. We saw a sign to a Quarantine Station so decided to explore that – so glad we did – it was the fourth oldest quarantine station in Australia and was used extensively during World War 1 for the troops to be “cleansed” with very strong chemicals, all their clothes destroyed and they were issued with a new set of clothes and kept in quarantine until they were cleared of having brought back any diseases from where they had been fighting!!! A lot of the old buildings are still there and you get told all about it from a Volunteer guide and then do a self guided walking tour with lots of story boards to read!!! It was fascinating!!! Back to the Cheese Company for a late lunch and I had OTTO which is cheese wrapped in prosciutto & baked for 10 minutes so the prosciutto crisps and the cheese melts slightly in these cute little cast iron pans they serve it in, along with their spicy relish and sour dough bread & Ian had a Ploughman’s lunch – we were so full we rang and cancelled the booking we had at the Bruny Pub for dinner last night and didn’t eat for the rest of the day!!!! It was a truly delicious lunch. Ian went and had a bit of a surf fish in the beach across the road from us and then we packed up so we can make an early exit this morning to catch the ferry and go to Snug to be ready when the Boquests and Moores arrive over about lunchtime – really looking forward to their 4 nights here & just hope the weather is kind to us!!!!! Have a great day everyone and special love to all our friends who are sick at the moment or having tests and procedures – we pray you all get well real soon. Love Jan & Ian xx
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:03:11 +0000

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