January 1st 2015 Dog Training Tip and Information Treat - TopicsExpress


January 1st 2015 Dog Training Tip and Information Treat Nippers Do you have a hard time giving treats to you puppy or dog because they take the end of your finger off? Those teeth can hurt! It hard to train your dog if they take off your fingers each and every time you go to reward them. There are several solutions to fix this issue. 1) Practice easy with low value treats. The reason we use low value treats is because they wont be as anxious to get them. Give your dog the cue “easy”. Say it in a low tone and say it slowly. Lower your hand to your dogs nose. If he snaps at the finger, quickly remove your hand without giving the treat. Do not say anything, just remove the treat. Repeat this several times until your puppy sits still and takes the treat politely. 2) Reverse hand. Using the same method above, turn your treat in towards your body (fingers not facing your pup) while you give the cue “easy” and lower the treat towards their nose. When the dog is calm, turn your hand back to their nose and release the treat. 3) Treat toss. Teach your dog to catch treats! This takes practice as some dogs will let the treat bouce off their head and then will scamper to eat it. You have to be quick! About 6 inches from your pups head, hold a treat and give them the cue “ready”. When they open their mouth for the treat, drop it in. The treat may bounce off their nose a couple of times before they realize they have to open their mouth. If the treat hits the floor, quickly pick it up (step on it if you have to). Do not allow your dog to eat the treats off the floor as it will encourage the bounce and pick up routine. As your dog gets more and more accurate on catching, increase your distance. 4) Flat hand. If all fails and you are still having trouble, you can give your dog their treats in a flat hand and this will prevent finger nippers. With time and patience, you will have your pup out of your hand politely in no time! Jolynn Payne CPDT-KA facebook/DogETraining
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 23:39:50 +0000

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