January 1st – is this you? Today I stepped foot into a gym - TopicsExpress


January 1st – is this you? Today I stepped foot into a gym for the first time in my life – MY GOD – I have no idea what to do. I’ve read lots of articles and thought I’d have a good idea of what to do. Apparently not, I just managed to row 2k on the rowing machine in 12mins – 2k was the lowest workout I could select and I swear people were laughing at how I obviously had no clue what to do. Next I used a couple of weight machines that looked simple; now I did look at the weight machines, at least - but there was NO way I’m going into the freeweight section with everyone else. Then I did 5mins on a crosstrainer and left. A pitiful effort, I know – I just wasn’t expecting that many people, who all knew what they’re doing. I left wondering oops have I just wasted some of my hard earned cash on my gym membership – I could have got the home workout instead…maybe I should have? I wish I had someone that could point me in the right direction of what to do, what equipment to use, how to not get laughed at? My diet – crap just thought about that I better make sure I know what to eat and when to eat it or I will have wasted my money. I am pretty sure I can’t hit McDonalds after a session and get away with it. Who will advise me as to what to eat, or can I get that in a book also? January 1st – this could be you with the help of UnityPT! First and foremost, congrats on realising you need to clean up your eating. Regardless of what you do in the gym, how you eat will dictate how much success you have….I’d argue it’s 80-90% of your success and failure. If you want to lose weight and feel better about yourself, dump almost all of your bad habits and focus on good eating habits. If you’re not sure what those habits are, we can help you!! I GUARANTEE that everybody else in the gym is far too busy worrying about themselves to notice you. If you are terribly self conscious and imagine every eyeball is focused on you, do you think that maybe it’s possible that everybody else is thinking the same thing? (From Adele) I’ve been working in gyms for 20 years now, know exactly where I’m going and what I’m doing, and I still get self conscious every once and a while! You also assume that everybody in a gym knows what they’re doing and that they’re laughing at you for being new. Back when I started, I used to think the same thing, so don’t feel bad about that. However, after training with some great trainers, I’ve come to the realization that 90% of people in a commercial gym have no clue how to work out properly and safely. In other words, they kind of suck at working out. Our goal at UnityPT is to help you NOT suck. So don’t worry about them…they’re not paying attention to you anyways. Nobody is going to laugh if you walk into the free weights section. That is ALL IN YOUR HEAD. WHO CARES what other people think? 95% of people in that gym will respect you for trying (especially if you’re training in the right way!), and the other 5% are probably doing it wrong and don’t count. Here’s what I do – put on my iPod so I am listening to my preferred music, and completely zone EVERYTHING else out. In my mind I am completely alone, in my fabulous World, my head is down, I’m focused only on the next exercise, and I take care of business. Honestly, I actually kind of enjoying being the only rebel in the gym. Now, as you’re learning what to do in a gym (which I’ll get to in a minute), If you are REALLY afraid of being seen, try working out at a different time of the day. Depending on your personal schedule, you might be able to go REALLY early, or REALLY late or in the middle of the day when everybody is in work. Early afternoon and evening will be the most busy, so avoid those times until you get a few sessions under your belt and feel better about yourself. I know you’re worried about not having a plan. The important thing is to do SOMETHING…so let UnityPT give you a plan. Why let a little fear stop you from achieving ask for help and you will conquer your fear and move onto achieving your dream! You will make mistakes. You will probably do an exercise wrong. That’s okay – what’s important is that YOU GET STARTED. I know you’re scared, but if you suck it up and do something you will build confidence and pretty soon, going to the gym will feel like a second home to you! Doing stuff that scares you is the only way you’re going to level up your life. It’s so much better to get started, make a few mistakes, and learn from how your body reacts, than to sit back at Christmas 2015 and wonder what if?? Last but not least – as far as tracking yourself, get out of your head, man! Nobody is going to laugh at you for stepping on a scale….they can’t read the number, and they don’t care what it says. Actually, I don’t happen to like scales either, but tracking yourself in SOME way is important and tracking yourself PROPERLY is even more important. Whether it’s your scale, a tape measure, body fat % or just a bi-weekly picture it’s important to track yourself so that you can tell if it’s working and if you’re making progress. But why not just tackle one hurdle at a time, commit to going to the gym and let us do the rest. If you are unsure of whether or not you will like the 12 session Personal Training package we offer, why not try a single gym session with Adele or Bob. All you have to do is get to the gym and will be guide you through the rest. Your single gym session will give you an insight as to what the Personal Training involves that way you can make an informed decision as to if UnityPT is right for you.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:48:02 +0000

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