January 25th, 2015. Most of the time, having three kids tends - TopicsExpress


January 25th, 2015. Most of the time, having three kids tends to work against. They out-number you, and tend to either back each other up when you’re trying to discipline one of them, or will but in during these times, actually aggravating you further. But sometimes, one of them does something that genuinely makes you happy. Mealie K had been playing a vigorous round of climb / jump / whack / ride / pull-on Daddy, when also involves me sitting on a chair with my legs straightened to form a make-shift slide and her climbing up them, then turning around and sliding back down them. While this does probably sound super-cute, it actually hurts- ALOT. So after a few rides, it was time for a stop, which not surprisingly led to tears, stomping and running away. Most times she runs to the theatre room or her bedroom, but today she ran to the bathroom, where she knew RJ was, apparently to tell on me to him. A few minutes later she emerged, still very upset and ran off to the theatre room. RJ came out and gave me a run-down of the conversation. Mealie K: “WAAAH!!! BABI (Dad)!!! RJ: “What’s wrong Mealie K?” Mealie K: “Babi. No!” RJ: “Did Babi hurt you?” Mealie K: “No” RJ: “Was Babi mean to you?” Mealie K: “Yes” RJ: “Are you sure Babi was mean to you?” Mealie K: “Yes” RJ: “That doesn’t sound like Babi. Babi loves you and if he told you not to do something, he probably had a good reason.” Mealie K: “No! WAAAH!!!” And then she ran off. After that, RJ pretty much got a free pass for the rest of the day. In other news, I may not be a clairvoyant, but I’m fairly certain we’ll be having The Bear sleep in our room tonight...here’s what his diet consisted of today; -Jam sandwich -Jam sandwich (yes, two) -Sushi -Chocolate chip cookies -Wheet bix, with jam and honey -Ham + Cheese Tortellini -Pink ice block Yep. Fairly certain there’ll be some sort of toilet issues tonight... Survived another day and didnt emotionally scar anyone. GET YOUR DAD ON!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 10:31:06 +0000

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