January 29, 1915 - The Van Wert Daily Bulletin: Charles E. Boroff - TopicsExpress


January 29, 1915 - The Van Wert Daily Bulletin: Charles E. Boroff and Ellen Boroff, whose post office addresses are unknown, are hereby notified that on the 12th day of December, 1914, Frank J. Boroff, as guardian of Lucinda J. Boroff, an imbecile, filed his petition in the Court of Common Pleas of Van Wert County, Ohio, in the case Number 14392 in which you and others are named as defendants. The object and prayer of said petition is to register the title of Henry J. Boroff to the lands hereinafter described and to sell the same to pay the debts of said Henry J. Boroff and to provide for the support of his widow, said Lucinda J. Boroff, according to the provisions made in his will. Said lands are described as follows: In the County of Van Wert and State of Ohio, to-wit: commencing 5.17 chains West of the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of Section eight, Town two. South of Range three, East; thence North 14.57 chains to the South line of land now owned by Jonas Balyaet; thence West on the South line of said Balyeat land to the quarter section line in Southwest quarter of said section eight; thence South on the quarter section line to the center of the Bucyrus and Ft. Wayne Wagon Road; thence North-easterly along the center of said wagon road to a point due South of the starting point; thence North to the place of beginning being a part of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said section eight containing 21 52 acres and a part of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of section seventeen in the same township, lying North of the center of said wagon road containing 3 :15 acres, in all 24 87 acres. You and each of you are required to answer or demur to said petition on or before the 27th day of February, 1915 or the prayer of said petition will be granted and said premises will be sold and the money derived from such sale used to pay the debts of said Henry J. Boroff and to provide for the support and comfort of his said widow, Lucinda J. Boroff. Frank J. Boroff, Guardian Dailey & Hoke, Attorneys for Plaintiff. (First published, January 2, 1915) .
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 15:09:43 +0000

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