January 30, 2014 Don’t worry about the mistakes you’ve - TopicsExpress


January 30, 2014 Don’t worry about the mistakes you’ve made, learn from them. Isaiah 43:18...“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. There seem to be two extremes; those who allow self doubts and failures to captivate their thinking and those who are oblivious to their actions and outcomes. Obviously, it is wise to be somewhere in the middle. Today we return to the Nine Secrets of a long and happy life. Todays point refers to learning from and moving on after experiencing lifes failures. Sound advice challenges us to not only move on from past mistakes and failures, but to learn from them. Such advice is easier said than done. As referred to yesterday, it is common place to develop a pattern of worry and a critical spirit . If a mistake occurs it is important to acknowledge our level of responsibility and learn from it. It can be self defeating, creating a dangerous pattern if after a mistake we blame others and fail to acknowledge the part we play. Evaluate the experience with a cool mind and objective outlook. Pray for insight and strength to apply understanding and not repeat the incident and accident. The beauty of the Christian faith is; none of the self work is to be done alone. Invite the Spirit to serve as your conscience and guide to grow wiser and forgive ones self and move on. The evil one plays mind games encouraging us to worry and beat our self up emotionally. This does nothing except freeze us in the past. God is a God of the present; the past cannot be changed and the future is but a mist. Live in the present and make the past your classroom of growth and understanding. As you look back at lifes embarrassing moments pray to be able learn and forgive yourself. A past mistake that is learned from becomes a defining moment and no longer has to be a failure! Learn and Move On, Rob
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 03:50:00 +0000

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