Jason, one thing you will learn as you mature is that people are a - TopicsExpress


Jason, one thing you will learn as you mature is that people are a byproduct of the reception they have received. In others, those who have been judging; were also judged by one to many. And much of it unfairly. I see that daily in the type of work I do as a Consultant. When in hiring, you always look for the best people for the given task. However, sometimes it encompasses many parameters, one of them being time. Sometimes one does not have the time to pick the best, so they choose from the rest. So I dont have to judge, I have to evaluate. And the first question I ask, Would I want that person on my team through thick and thin? That is not always easy to answer, but you try to follow (versus establish) trends with a given. Because they have already established them. Even though I might not want them part of my team, does NOT mean they should not be part of someone elses. It is just that my selection criteria is greater, and there is not substitute for quality. In other words Jason, if you are a quality individual; people will judge you kindly. And that is what you want. When you slip a notch or two in your own life, you also will in others views and vision of you. In is always better to take the high road, than to try and traverse your way through life. Because sometimes those off chutes take you through some messed up terrain. Other times, the off ramps will lead you into back alleys and dead end streets. Stick with the highways where you can maintain a steady pace. Unlike Tims belief The High Way DOES Care.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 21:37:33 +0000

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