Jedi General - TopicsExpress


Jedi General Barnabas Umbrene by Mark Stise War Dog ran to catch up with his battalion CO. “Rex… with all due respect sir, this isn’t fair.” Rex was taken back slightly by his subordinates reluctance. “Is there a problem, Captain?” War Dog was never one for questioning orders; he wondered what was the matter with his friend. “No sir! No problem.” The commander of Timberwolf Company sounded off respectfully. “I just….. With respect sir, the 501st is our home. My men and I gave up being ARC’s to serve here.” The clone attempted to explain but the look of disapproval on his battalion CO and mentor’s face was clear. Rex snapped at his friend, “Did you also forget you are a Captain in the Grand Army of the Republic!?” “NO SIR!” War Dog knew his was skating on thin ice with Rex. “Captain please, let me explain sir.” The look Rex gave his friend was one that War Dog hadn’t seen since the two of them last argued. “My men and I will serve any time, anywhere; Rex, you know that. It would be an honor to serve under Commander Cody or High General Kenobi. Or General Ploo Koon and Commander Wolffe.” The former ARC reached out with his hand in an almost pleading gesture. “Rex, the last time my men and I were transferred to help a Jedi out, it didn’t work out so well.” Rex knew exactly what War Dog was referring to. That was the time War Dog’s Company was assigned to another Jedi, but she had succumbed to the Dark Side. War Dog had been manipulated and believed via the Jedi Mind Trick that General Kenobi was the one who had fallen. If Rex and Cody didn’t act, War Dog and his men would have turned on their own brothers. Rex could understand and empathise but they were soldiers, and soldier follow orders. “Return to your barracks, Captain and await the new Generals inspection,” Rex said reluctantly. “But Rex…” War Dog said; nearly whining his objection like some schoolboy. Rex didn’t like the situation either; War Dog was many things, hot tempered and rough around the edges when it came to officer etiquette. But he was also Rex’s lead Infantry Company Commander and a good one. War Dog had only been a Captain a short while and proved what Commander Cody had suspected all along... The clone was more than up to the challenge of leading one hundred and forty four troopers into battle. “Some times were given orders that we don’t like, but were soldiers, War Dog. We were bred to follow orders.” That wasn’t what the clone wanted to hear; odds were the new general would pick him. It was a toss up between himself and Gunther’s company. Captain Gunther was in charge of the Resolute’s AT-TE tanks and AT-RT fast running chicken walkers. Depending on what this new Jedi General liked, it was a certainty that one of Rex’s best company, be it infantry or armored, was leaving the Resolute today. War Dog recalled on Umbara how Fives stood up for the men. Rex had never liked the situation but he needed proof before he would openly defy Krell. Rex always knew better, after all War Dog had learned from his friend, he knew deep down Rex was right. The clone let out a sigh and came to the position of attention and saluted. “Yes sir, my men and I will serve wherever needed.” Rex returned the salute and both clones parted ways, each of them wondering if this was really goodbye. **** Inside the hangar bay of the Resolute, Anakin, Obi-wan and Cody waited for the newest Jedi Knight to arrive. “I don’t believe I’ve met the new General,” Cody said, and looked at High General Kenobi. “Have I sir?” “No, I don’t believe so, Cody; he’s a friend of Anakin’s and a bit of a traditionalist, if you don’t mind me saying,” The Jedi master said with his arms folded in front of him. “Barnabas Umbrene feels very strongly that Jedi shouldn’t be acting as Generals leading the fight in this war.” “Under normal circumstances, yes master,” Anakin interrupted. “But this war is far from ordinary. We even needed the Military Creation Act so we have the clones,” The Jedi Knight gestured toward Cody. “Without them we wouldn’t stand a chance against the Separatists.” It was then that the Jedi turned, sensing his second in command enter the hangar bay. “Rex!” “Sorry for the delay sir….. I had some personal business to attend to.” The clone captain explained. “In any event General Umbrene will pick one company from four Battalions. These companies will form General Umbrene’s new Panther battalion. He’ll start with picking one company from the 501st,then the 212th and 104th battalions. He will end by picking his last company when he meets with Master Luminara Unduli. By that time, Barnabas’s ship The Venture should be finished with its refit.” “Barnabas will have his own battalion of trained clones and be ready to join us in our fight against Grevious. And with War Dog as his second in command I’m sure we’ll hear great things from him.” Anakin said proudly. Rex was more then a little shocked but the clone never forgot his place. “With all due respect sir, War Dog isn’t ready for that kind of responsibility.” Anakin was surprised. “Come on Rex, he’s been Captain two months now and is a former ARC. War Dog’s taken his company and turned them into a elite fighting unit.” “Yes sir I know. I for one am proud of what he’s accomplished. But even with his rising through the ranks so quickly and all, he isn’t ready.” Rex insisted. “I have to agree with Captain Rex sir.” Cody began. “War Dog is a fine and capable Trooper on the battlefield but there is more to running a battalion then just ground fighting.” “I think what the clones are trying to say, Anakin, is what I’ve been saying to you all along.” The Jedi Master smirking in good fun. “Patience.” It was then that the shuttle landed and the loading ramp lowered as the Jedi exited the ship. Standing only five foot seven inches, Jedi Knight Barnabas Umbrene was thin but quite lithe. This allowed the Jedi to be quite agile and fast. A double bladed lightsabre hung off his belt, and he pulled the cloak that covered the top of his head off. He reveled his more feline appearance. His fur was a solid white as well as his mane, which he kept trimmed at the shoulders. His ears stood erect just like any good cat and his tails swished under his Jedi robes. But it was his cold coffee brown eyes that caught the clone’s attention the most. “An Asgayata...”Cody muttered, he had heard about them, that they were a solitary people bordering on Isolationists. Barnabas approached Obi Wan and bowed politely. “Master Kenobi”. Then he turned toward his friend and nodded Anakin. “It is an honor to welcome you, Barnabas Umbrene as a Jedi Knight, congratulations on passing your trials.” Obi Wan smiled and gestured toward the two clones. “May I present Cody and Rex.” As the Jedi master spoke both clones stiffened to attention as they introduced. a special thanks goes to Ruth Watson for helping me edit this new story Joanne BeckErin GaffneyJames AntoineWicker ManDarren ElliottSteve WelnickePamela Mann Schramke
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:00:57 +0000

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