“Jesus forgive me, for I have sinned Lord, I can do nothing, - TopicsExpress


“Jesus forgive me, for I have sinned Lord, I can do nothing, but I know that You can do everything. Take my will, and come to act in me...to work, to walk,to talk,to smile to dance,to plan, to breathe, to suffer in me. Jesus Your Will is all that matters. My free will is Yours. Do with it as You may And a True Devotion to Your Mother Mary. In Morning, Kneel Down...Ask Me What My Plans Are For You Children of the Great I Am, Rejoice in Me. I Am, your Father, seeks you out. I desire to abide in you. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am that I Am. I Am speaks to you now. Open your hearts with haste. Do not delay. I have plans to bless you, plans to minister to you, plans to use you for My glory. Beloved, do not fear. Do not fear events foretold. Do not fear the outcome of trials. Trust in Me. Learn to abandon your free will. Trust that all will be well with you. I Am, the Provider, your Father on High, loves you with an everlasting love. Remember that you have been anointed with the oil of joy and gladness. You must walk the Earth care free. Be My ambassadors the whole world over. Walk the Earth for My glory, and My glory alone. Do not make plans. Each morning, kneel down before Me in all humility, and ask Me what My plans are for you. Do this faithfully each day. Ask Me what you should do as you rise. Wait for My response. I will guide your every step. Obey Me. Keep faith with Me. Abandon your agendas. Live for Me, and for Me alone. I love you so. Blessings will pour down from Heaven as soon as you comply. Generational blessings await you, Beloved. Claim what is rightfully yours. As heirs to My Kingdom of Love, you will inherit. Walk in humility. Work in My vineyard. Grow in holiness. You must remain blameless, and persevere in love. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Kneel Down Before Me Each Morning, And Ask For My Blessing Children of My Divine Heart, Rejoice in Me. I stand before you in glory. I Am. I Am Who I Am. I Am the Great I Am. Hear Me. I desire to raise you to holiness. Open your hearts without delay. Surrender unto Me. Give Me permission to speak to your heart. Beloved, will you kneel down before your God this instant? I desire to bless you, Little Ones. Kneel down in all humility, and adore Me for just one minute. Then, be quiet. I will bless you, and anoint you for My glory. Obey this instruction now. My blessing will transform your very lives. Ask for it every day. Do not allow anything to separate you from Me. Start each day in this fashion. Kneel down before your King, and ask for blessings. Be faithful to this instruction. Soon, Satan will manifest himself as never before. You must be prepared for battle. Pray for the grace you need now. Grow strong in your prayer life. Become spiritual warriors. I will give you strength. My blessing will protect, and guide you each day. Obedience is key. Trust in Me. From this day forth, kneel down before Me each morning, and ask for My blessing. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom God is not boastful. God is not proud. God is gentle, loving and yet firm in His instruction to humanity For next week, I invite you to say these words: I love God in everything. With love, one obtains everything. You can receive many things, even the most impossible. The Lord wishes for all the to surrender to Him, and I too, in Him. I desire it. Each evening, make your examination of conscience, but only to give thanks in acknowledgment for everything that His love offers us Amen Here is a little Crusade Prayer (95) To help find time for prayer. O Mother of Salvation, come to my aid, as I struggle to find the time for prayer. Help me to give, to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the time He deserves to show Him how much I love Him. I ask that you, my Blessed Mother of Salvation, seek for me the Graces I need and ask your dear Son for every grace and favour, so that He can envelop me into the Bosom of His Sacred Heart.Amen Crusade Prayer (96) to Bless and Protect our Crusade Prayer Group “O my dearest Jesus, please bless and protect us, Your Crusade Prayer Group, so that we become immune to the wicked assaults of the devil, and to any evil spirits, which may torment us in this Sacred Mission to save souls. May we remain loyal and strong, as we persevere to keep Your Holy Name before the world and never waiver in our struggle to spread the Truth of Your Holy Word. Amen You must say this prayer for seven consecutive days to be given the gift of total absolution and the Power of the Holy Spirit. “Jesus forgive me, for I have sinned.” “O my Jesus, You are the Light of the earth. You are the Flame that touches all souls. Your Mercy and Love knows no bounds. We are not worthy of the Sacrifice You made by Your death on the Cross. Yet we know that Your Love for us is greater than the love we hold for You. Grant us, O Lord, the gift of humility, so that we are deserving of Your New Kingdom. Fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we can march forth and lead Your army to proclaim the Truth of Your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters for the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth. We honour You. We praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings, as a gift to You to save souls. We love You, Jesus. Have Mercy on all Your children wherever they may be. Amen.”) Recite this, three times, when you can, but preferably during any time of fasting. Crusade Prayer (103) To share the Cup of Suffering with Christ I lay before You, dear Jesus, and at Your Feet to do what you will with me for the good of all.Let me share Your Cup of Suffering.Take this gift from me, so that You can save those poor souls who are lost and without hope.Take me, in body, so I can share Your Pain.Hold my heart in Your Sacred Hands and bring my soul in union with You.Through my gift of suffering, I allow Your Divine Presence to embrace my soul, so that you can redeem all sinners and unite all God’s children forever and ever. Amen Crusade (112) For the Grace of Salvation Dearest Jesus, I call on You to cover the souls of those who have been infested by Satan with Your special Grace of Salvation.Free their poor souls from the wicked captivity from which they cannot escape. Amen. Crusade of Prayer (45) Prayer to conquer negative thoughts Oh Jesus I know very little about You.But please help me to open my heart to allow You to come into my soul So that You can heal me, comfort me and fill me with your peace. Help me to feel joy, conquer all negative thoughts and learn the way to make me understand how to please You So that I can enter Your New Paradise where I can live a life of love, joy and wonder with You forever and ever.Amen O sweetest of Mother bless and protect us as we look to you for help. The Chaplet of Our Lady Queen of the Home. The Chaplet itself is as follows:- Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be- On the largest beads: O Virgin defend us, all pure and sweet On the small beads: Our Lady Queen of the Home Pray for us. At the end: The Hail Holy Queen Little Sacrifice: Today, to honor Our Mother of Salvation, I ask You,Our Mother of Salvation, for all of your acts, and enclose them in my heart, so that I may feel the strength of the Divine Will that reigned in You, Our Mother of Salvation. And then let me offer them, and my acts to the Most High, to thank Him for all the offices He gave You , Our Mother of Salvation in order to save the creatures. Ejaculatory Prayer: Queen of Peace, Mother of Salvation, make the Divine Will give me Its kiss of peace Crusade Prayer (111) To consecrate your children to Jesus Dear Mother of Salvation,I consecrate my children (name of child/children here) before your Son, so that He can bring them peace of spirit and love of heart.Please pray that my children will be accepted into the Merciful Arms of your Son and keep them from harm.Help them to stay true to the Holy Word of God especially in times, when they are tempted to turn away from Him. Amen. Crusade (112) For the Grace of Salvation Dearest Jesus, I call on You to cover the souls of those who have been infested by Satan with Your special Grace of Salvation.Free their poor souls from the wicked captivity from which they cannot escape. Amen Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen In the Name of Jesus, Who said that anything we ask in His Name will be given to those who believe, I ask that those who have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father will be blessed with the knowledge that they are loved by Him beyond all human reasoning and understanding. Please grant them the gift to feel His love as it enfolds them to such an extent that they will be unable to resist or deny it. May the knowledge of the Heavenly Fathers infinite love stir within their hearts the desire to return that love to Him, and to reflect it to all others. May their lives be a pure reflection of His resplendent love. I ask this in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen Meditation for Day 3 Our Lady Undoer of Knots Meditating Mother, Queen of heaven, in whose hands the treasures of the King are found, turn your merciful eyes upon me today. I entrust into your holy hands this knot in my life...and allthe rancor and resentment it has caused in me. I ask Your forgiveness, God teh Father, for my sin. Help me now to forgive all the persons who consciously or unconsciously provoked this knot. Give me, also, the grace to forgive me for having provoked this knot. Only in this way can You undo it. Before You, dearest Mother, and in the name of Your Son Jesus, my Savior, who has suffered so many offenses, having been granted forgiveness, I now forgive these persons...and myself, forever. Thank you, Mary, Undoer of Knots for undoing the knot of rancor in my heart and the knot which I now present to you. Amen. Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for me. Turn to Mary, you who desire grace. PRAYER TO MARY, UNDOER OF KNOTS (Closing Prayer) Virgin Mary, Mother of fair love, Mother who never refuses to come to the aid of a child in need, Mother whose hands never cease to serve your beloved children because they are moved by the divine love and immense mercy that exists in your heart, cast your compassionate eyes upon me and see the snarl of knots that exist in my life. You know very well how desperate I am, my pain and how I am bound by these knots. Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of his children, I entrust into your hands the ribbon of my life. No one, not even the evil one himself, can take it away from your precious care. In your hands there is no knot that cannot be undone. Powerful Mother, by your grace and intercessory power with Your Son and My Liberator, Jesus, take into your hands today this knot...I beg you to undo it for the glory of God, once for all, You are my hope. O my Lady, you are the only consolation God gives me, the fortification of my feeble strength, the enrichment of my destitution and with Christ the freedom from my chains. Hear my plea. Keep me, guide me, protect me, o safe refuge! Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for me
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 13:32:49 +0000

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