Jesus never takes His eyes off those He saves.He never leaves us - TopicsExpress


Jesus never takes His eyes off those He saves.He never leaves us even when we doubt His love,even when we sin and fail Him,He never forsakes usgHe even lives to intercede for us,even when we arent thinking about Him he is thinking about us and watching over us.there is nowhere we can go where Jesus cant see us and care for the psalmists says in psalms 139:7_12__where shall i go from your spirit?,or where shall i flee from your presence?.if i ascend to Heaven you are there,if imake my bed to sheol you are there,if i take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me,if i say surely the darknes shall cover me and the light about me be night even the darknes is not dark to you,the night is brighter as the day for darknes is as light with you
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 02:46:36 +0000

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