JoJos Top Ten for the Day. (1) Life is full of lessons. Just - TopicsExpress


JoJos Top Ten for the Day. (1) Life is full of lessons. Just bc some times it may seem unbearable and seemingly difficult, ask the HS to give you the grace to see the blessing in the midst of chaos and to keep on trucking to the other side. (2) If youve spent the majority of your life seeking horizontal affirmation/affection, you are asking for disappointment. Some ppl will not, cant not nor do they want to celebrate you, dont take it personal, they are not able. Invite the HS in and ask Him to live in and through you and to fill every void that you are seeking either consciously or subconsciously to fill with extraneous items, situations and ppl. Also do not get caught up in the ebb and flows of ppl and their emotions, that is akin to walking on rice paper. It is too stressful! (3) Trying to be what others want or think you should be is too time consuming and it waste an extreme amount of time and energy. Be your self! And if ppl cannot get with that, then chunk them the deuces! Trust me, those that can look beyond your flaws and see the beauty of who God called you to be and speak to that, are the ones you need in your intimate circle. (4) When you have heard the voice of God for yourself, plz do not allow anyone and I mean anyone to persuade you that you do not know or are not call and qualified. That is not their call to make. Stay focused. (5) No matter how high you become, always remain humble bc that fall from pride will turn your world upside down. (6) There is wisdom in the multitude of wise counsel. No one knows it all nor has experienced it all. We can learn something from anyone. Always seek to have a teachable spirit. (7) God never commanded us to like ppl but He did say that we are to love them. Being honest with Him and telling Him that you are not able is good bc it is then that He will be able to come in and you will be able to love them through Him. (8) Learn to set boundaries and be able to distinguish btwn Comrades, Constituents and Confidants. (9) If you do not know how to treat your self and lead by example, do not expect others to. AND FINALLY.... (10) You are only as sick as your secrets. In solitude there is torment. In denial there is ignorance/bondage. In truth there is freedom. Transparency (associated with wisdom) is a release mechanism. Step out of the boat of being comfortable, complacent as well as stagnant and explore new horizons. Learn to show compassion, love, grace and mercy just as Christ did on a continual basis. Also when dealing with others, It is not our place to judge their person hood. We are to either plant or water and allow God to increase. We all have varying ETAs. Never try to silence another bc you deem what they say is invalid or a moot point. Love truly covers a multitude of sins; mines, yours and every one else. Aint you glad about it? Aint you glad that when He see you that He sees the BLOOD?
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 17:00:36 +0000

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