Job’s Friends – July 1, 2014 This week’s study was - TopicsExpress


Job’s Friends – July 1, 2014 This week’s study was spurred from one of the comments from last week’s study. So, keep the comments coming. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,” (Hebrews 10:24). Therefore, let’s keep spurring one another along! Almost everyone knows the story of Job. Job was a wealthy man with many possessions and a wealth of family. God allowed Satan to take away Job’s possessions and many of his family members because Satan was insistent that Job would curse God for his suffering: Job 2:5 “However, put forth Your hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh; he will curse You to your face” (Satan speaking). God allowed Satan to take Job’s health, but wouldn’t let him take his life. After some time, (many suggest about 6 months or maybe 40 days) Job finally sees his sin of self-righteousness and God gives Job back his possessions and makes him more wealthy than he had ever been before and blessed his children. However, a lot of people don’t spend much time in in the middle of the story of Job’s suffering because it is a bit rambling and hard to read. Here is what the Lord showed me this week: Job had four friends that tried to help him during his suffering. They had come to help him with his suffering. It says they wept for him and sat with him for 7 days and 7 nights, not speaking a word. Job probably wishes they had spoken some words, because it seems that they saved it all up for a series of speeches that they would give to Job concerning his plight. Eliphaz was the first to speak. He was probably the eldest and the most sympathetic. However, he did hint that job’s suffering was from God, and it was a direct cause of His sin. Bildad went next. He suggested that they were only finite mortals that had only grasped a part of reality and doubled down on the assertion that Job was being punished for his sin. Zophar saved the best for last. He confirmed that he thought that Job was being punished for his sin, but he also made the assertion that perhaps God had not punished him enough. After each one of Job’s friends speeches, he goes into this woe is me diatribe about how he is blameless and sinless. Each time it simply magnifies his biggest sin: self-righteousness. I have thought about this and how it applies to our lives today. Everyone goes through trials, everyone goes through suffering, and everyone gets help from others to get through it whether it is wanted or not. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar are just like our friends today who have good intentions, but don’t seek God’s wisdom before they try to help. It’s like when people are going through a sickness. Many friends who are wanting to help may say, “I’ve heard if you stand on your left leg, and drink this purple elixir you will be healed” (some exaggeration inserted). Or they may be trying to help someone who has lost a child or a loved one. Generally anything that comes out of your mouth in those instances is unworthy of the pain and suffering, so why say anything at all. Just love on them. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar may have had good intentions, but they went about it all wrong. They didn’t go to the Lord with prayer and ask how to comfort Job before they spoke with them, and their selfish desires got in front of God’s work. Has anyone been there? Have you ever tried to do something good for someone or tried to comfort someone, but your own humanness messed it up? Then Elihu, who had been silent because he was the youngest, and had been afraid to speak finally spoke up. Job 33:1-4, “But now, Job listen to my words; pay attention to everything I say. I am about to open my mouth; my words are on the tip of my tongue. My words come from an upright heart; my lips sincerely speak what I know. The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” Finally, a God fearing friend of Job’s comes to His aide. At this time, however, Job is so downtrodden and self-loathing that it takes four separate speeches for Job to start to see. Elihu gets through to Job by explaining the greatness of God, and that God has a purpose in his sufferings and he should join him in exalting God (Job 36:1-23, paraphrased). Finally, God speaks and shows Job His greatness, and Job is convicted of his selfishness. Then, Job repented. Job 42:1-6, “Then Job answered the Lord and said, I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can thwarted. Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand. Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Hear now, and I will speak; I will ask You and You instruct me. I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but know my eye sees you; therefore I retract, and I repent in dust and ashes.” Everyone out there is either going through a trial or knows someone who is suffering. What type of friend are you going to be? Will you be Eliphaz, Bildad or Zophar or will you be Elihu? Will you come to your own understanding when trying to comfort someone, or will you go to the Lord in prayer and petition when you are trying to comfort someone. I have so many friends out there and all of them have been great. Then I have my inner circle, whom have given so much for me. That would be my family and Cara’s family who have taken our kids and helped us so much. My wife and my mom hardly let me get a drink of water, they love me so much. I also have an Elihu. God has done amazing things in my best friend’s life. Shawn Hawthorne is my Elihu. I know that he goes to the Lord with prayer and petition on my behalf every day, and I know since he is my best friend and we have been through thick and thin, he is not afraid to tell call me out on my Christianity when I need it. So the next time someone needs a word or a prayer, go to the Lord first in prayer and petition: be an Elihu for them.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 21:15:17 +0000

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