John Calvins Commentary On Ezekiel, First Time Ever As A Free - TopicsExpress


John Calvins Commentary On Ezekiel, First Time Ever As A Free Audio Book (34 Free MP3s) Heaven: Unimaginably Wonderful & Delightful (Free Christian MP3s) The Puritan Hard Drive is a tremendous blessing. I travel frequently to many parts of the globe. The Puritan Hard Drive allows me to continue my studies on the road with the same depth as when I am seated in my study at home.The wonderful portability of this massive Puritan library (and remarkable research software) makes the Puritan Hard Drive ideal for missionaries, students, or anyone who needs instant access to the best Reformation study materials in a variety of locations. - Pastor Paul Washer, Founder and Director of HeartCry Missionary Society, Reformed Baptist Pastor, Author, Conference Speaker, etc. $200 OFF THE DOWNLOADABLE PURITAN HARD DRIVE (PHD-ODE) UNTIL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 AT 11:59PM (ET). WAS $297.97, NOW, FOR A SHORT TIME, JUST $97.97! (WINDOWS (MAC LOWEST PRICE EVER FOR THE DOWNLOADABLE EDITION! It would not be possible for me too earnestly to press upon you the importance of reading the expositions of that prince among men, JOHN CALVIN. I am afraid that scant purses may debar you from their purchase, but if it be possible procure them... You will find the twenty-two goodly volumes worth their weight in gold. Of all the commentators I believe John Calvin to be the most candid... He was no trimmer and pruner of texts. He gave their meaning as far as he knew it... He labored to declare not his own mind upon the Spirits words, but the mind of the Spirit as couched in those words. - Charles Spurgeon The Secret Providence of God, Calvins Calvinism by John Calvin (Free Audio Book, 7 Reformed MP3s) Im floored at the sheer quantity and breadth of the contents. That so many of the .pdfs are OCRd and searchable is truly remarkable! I am amazed at my newly found ability to search Ursinus Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, Witsius Economy of the Covenants, all seven volumes of Calvins Selected Works: Tracts and Letters, Dabneys Discussions and his Lectures in Systematic Theology, as well as Charles Hodges three volumes of Systematic Theology to name only a few. I havent even begun to plumb the resources by Diodati, Hengstenberg, John Dick, Jonathan Edwards, Matthew Henry, Martin Luther ... and I could just keep on going! When you mentioned the .mp3 collection, I must admit that I was skeptical at first; I wasnt sure I would have a need for .mp3s. Upon browsing the selection, however, I am convinced that this too will be an incredible resource - especially for my daily commute. I look forward to listening to audio book versions of Augustines City of God and his Confessions, John Owens Death of Death and his Mortification of Sin, and Jonathan Edwards The Religious Affections - again, to name only a few! Im only at the beginning of my journey through the Puritan Hard Drive but based on what Ive seen so far, some very delightful study lies ahead! - Pastor R. Andrew Compton, Christ Reformed Church, The Reformed Reader On Shunning the Unlawful Rites of the Ungodly by John Calvin (FREE MP3 AUDIO BOOK) If you love the Bible, then you may well be Reformed. If you think of yourself as Reformed, but you have seldom or have never read older Reformed literature, prepare to be challenged. The Puritan Hard Drive ( provides primary sources and depth of theological and spiritual insight which is lacking in much of what is passed off as genuine Reformed theology. If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert. - Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar, Election and Reprobation by John Calvin (13 Free MP3s) (FREE SWRB AUDIO BOOK) Hell: Unimaginable & Unending Torments, Pain, etc. By Dr. Curt Daniel, Jonathan Edwards, Paul Washer, Charles Spurgeon & Others (Free MP3s) It is like the treasures that were taken out of Solomons temple. It is packed with such knowledge, understanding and so much wisdom I can fully understand how our Puritan forefathers walked in such fear of the Lord that they sought His and only His will to be done in their lives. I was struggling with life in general and felt that I was slipping so far away from God that I just could not see the way back, when I started looking into the Puritan Hard Drive. I was short on finances but willing to part with a treasured Matthew Henry 5 volumes in order to pay for the Puritan Hard Drive. Well only just after a month of continuously looking into the Puritans (on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.), reading some and listening to the audio I feel that the Lord in His good kindness and His abounding mercy has once again assured me of His wonderful gracious Love towards His own. Ive got other Christian teaching material but nothing compares to what the Lord has done using Still Waters Revival Books to bring these books together and putting them all in one small compact 21st century device. It is TRULY amazing. I am the very least of all true Christians and what the Puritan Hard Drive has done for my spiritual revival is so wonderfully great, I wholeheartedly recommend getting this Puritan Hard Drive at whatever cost. - Paul Blyth, Plymouth, England (UK) The Great and Final Judgment Day, Free Christian MP3s, Videos, Books, etc. I have had the privilege of being one of the first who received the Puritan Hard Drive from its initial production. Over the last 9 months, we have read and listened to so many Puritan, Reformed and Baptist books and sermons that we constantly thank the Lord for putting into our hands resources which are far above rubies. We use the Puritan Hard Drive (PHD) material throughout the day for personal bible study, family worship, home schooling, Lords Day preparation, and redeeming our time while traveling (listening to the MP3 resources). All the glory to God for the gifted men of yesteryear and for this treasure storehouse produced by decades of tireless effort by Still Waters Revival Books. - Michael Caughran (Kamiah, Idaho) John Calvin was by far the greatest of the Reformers with respect to the talents he possessed, the influence he exerted, and the services he rendered in the establishment and diffusion of important truth... Calvin is the man who, next to St. Paul, has done most good to mankind. - William Cunningham (on the Puritan Hard Drive The Puritan Hard Drive reached me this morning and as soon as I installed it on my PC I was totally amazed at what it is able to do. It is a tremendous blessing of God to have such a tool in my hands... the Puritan Hard Drive is a wonderful and powerful tool. Now, I will be able to enjoy all the possibilities of this tremendous program. You were right, it was worth the wait. Thank you very much and congratulations to all your team. Soli Deo Gloria! - Richard Gagnon (BD, MATS, ThD-cand.), Reformed Baptist Pastor, Quebec, Canada Over 5,500 No Cost SWRB Reformation MP3s, Videos and PDFs at SermonAudio sermonaudio/swrb Wow! The Puritan Hard Drive is fantastic! ... for ease and speed of search, the Puritan Hard Drive is frankly ingenious. For pennies per resource, you even provide a collection of outstanding MP3s and a handy portable hard-drive with ample available space. What a gift to Christs church! I love my Puritan Hard Drive! - D. M. (California) FREE SWRB iPhone & iPad App Having the Puritan Hard Drive is like owning the largest Puritan and Reformed Library in the world along with a full time research assistant with his PhD in Puritan Studies from Oxford or Cambridge. Imagine not only owning the largest Puritan and Reformed library, but having a full-time team of world-class research assistants at your beck and call. The KnowledgeBase software on the Puritan Hard Drive provides an effective road map to access the material in ways that are easy-to-use, organized and highly productive. With the click of a button, you can easily do ten hours worth of research in just seconds! - Pastor Paul Washer, Founder and Director of HeartCry Missionary Society, Reformed Baptist Pastor, Author, etc. FREE SWRB ANDROID APP The Puritan Hard Drive is fantastic! I am thrilled with the Puritan Hard Drive. I love the information on the Puritan Hard Drive. I love the Puritan Hard Drive! I think I could use it for the rest of my life and still not exhaust all of its features. The Puritan Hard Drive is great, and unsurpassed in Bible study (except for the Bible itself). The Puritan Hard Drive is one of my most treasured and precious possessions and is a great help in ministry. It is the electronic device that I treasure the most. It is a brilliant piece of work and only heaven will reveal its influence. I have watched the video tutorials and the speaker is fantastic in teaching, and there is no problem following his instructions. The speaker does a super job in the tutorials, teaching how to use the Puritan Hard Drive. I can tell that you put a tremendous amount of work into the Puritan Hard Drive. - Pastor James Wallace, M.R.E., M.Div. (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) and Ruth Wallace (Bethune, SC, USA) Does Not God Count My Steps? (Absolute Predestination in the Bible and How This Affects Your Life) by John Calvin John Calvin, Election and Evangelism, John Calvin, the Exceptional Evangelist (Free MP3s) History and Theology of Calvinism by Dr. Curt Daniel (75 Free MP3s) sermonaudio/go/81936 The Puritan Hard Drive is one amazing resource. ... Never before have ordinary pastors, teachers and students had access to such a wealth of rare sermons, classic theology and commentaries. This will blow your mind. - Pastor Joe Haynes (BC, Canada) Free MP3: War Against The Idols: The Reformation of Worship From Erasmus to Calvin - John Calvin The Puritan Hard Drive is literally a must have resource, period! There are plenty of resources available to todays Bible student but none contain the treasures of the Puritan Hard Drive. In order to be a well-rounded, erudite student of Gods word you must, in the words of C.S. Lewis, read old books. In no other resource can you find, in one place, the writings of the great Calvinistic scholars and in such an easy, searchable format. Student and scholar alike can benefit from the Puritan Hard Drive and to pass over such a resource would be an immeasurable loss. - Dr. Kenny Rhodes (PhD, DRE, Founder, President, Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Scofield Graduate School and Theological Seminary, Host and Bible Teacher for the Reason for Hope TV program) ___________ In 1550, Calvin proudly wrote to Melancthon: many, in order to avoid idolatry, are fleeing France and are coming to us in voluntary exile.1 Calvin often refers to idolatry as if were a plague: Once an area becomes infected with this virus, the only way the residents can escape contagion is by fleeing. Those who remain behind, surrounded by the disease, risk infection every day as long as they come into contact with its victims. Calvin was aware that not everyone was free to emigrate, but he continually stressed that for those who found it possible, it was the wisest course to follow: Now, consider whether you can have peace with God and your own conscience while you persevere in your present state . . . We have no direct revelation commanding us to leave the country, but since we have the commandment to honor God in body and soul, wherever we may be, what else could we do? It is certainly to us, then, that these words are also addressed, Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred [Gen. 12:1]; as long as we are there constrained to act against our conscience, and cannot live for the glory of God. Calvin adds that one should regard as filth and dung everything which hinders one from being a good Christian; if anything separates one from God, who is the true life, then it can only lead to death. - Carlos Eire, War Against the Idols: The Reformation of Worship from Erasmus to Calvin (Cambridge University Press, 1990), pp. 260-261. ___________ The Puritan Hard Drive - Best Reference Tool Ever! The customized, searchable research software the Puritan Hard Drive contains has been developed by one of the worlds top software architects. Highly recommended! You will be floored by this product. Amazing! - John Hendryx, Monergism, Monergism Books, Author, etc. Let us use great caution that neither our thoughts nor our speech go beyond the limits to which the Word of God itself extends. - John Calvin The folks at Still Water Revival Books have carefully assembled the most comprehensive collection of Puritan works I have ever seen. The Puritan Hard Drive is a gold mine of all things Puritan. This is a must have -- I am simply astonished with the sheer volume on this device! It would take me a lifetime to assemble such a library! Not to mention the audio/video collection; few people could afford all of these books -- or to add on that second library to keep them. Thank you again for this amazing product! The more hands we can get this collection in, the better! - Pastor David Petrie, Th.M, The North American Reformed Seminary (Mentor and Administrator for TNARS, Free Seminary Level Education), Director of The Evangelical Reformed Council on Academics, Director of CORE Fellowship, etc. The Moral Law Of God By Al Martin (16 Free MP3s) & Other Reformed Ministers (Free MP3s, Books, etc.) The Puritan Hard Drive is an exquisite piece of work. ... Truly, if a Christian wants to invest wisely in his own growth, this is the best investment he can make at this time. More than highly recommended! - Justin Rawson, Gospel Covenant Publications Jesus said: If ye love me, keep my commandments. - John 14:15 Wow! Im impressed! Not just by the wealth of material on it but by the ease of use. If you can use Windows file Explorer or look for something on a USB memory stick then you can use the Puritan Hard Drive; it really is that simple. The software makes looking up authors, books and subjects so simple. You can also copy the files to read on a smart phone or tablet. To anyone thinking of buying their own Puritan Hard Drive -- Id say GET IT! The material Ive read so far has literally changed my life. - Phil Gibson, South Wales, UK (Pastor, Missionary, etc.) “To be Christians under the law of grace does not mean to wander unbridled outside the law, but to be engrafted in Christ, by whose grace we are free from the curse of the law, and by whose Spirit we have the law engraved upon our hearts.” - John Calvin I received it (the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.) yesterday and am blown away by it! It is simple to set up and there is a tremendous amount of material available that will last me for years as I go through it all. The search tools are, by themselves, well worth the price of the Puritan Hard Drive. It makes finding authors, topics and documents incredibly easy and fast. (The speed itself is amazing!) I also find the ability to copy from any of the (searchable - ed.) PDFs and paste into whatever .doc I happen to have open to be extremely useful. Im also glad to see that there are audio sermons/teachings (MP3s - ed.), as well as WMVs (videos - ed) from a variety of speakers and preachers as this provides a well-rounded approach to my own theology. ... The Puritan Hard Drive is a tremendous asset to my library and a huge time-saver for my own learning, preaching, teaching and counseling. Thank you ever so much for doing this. - Kevin Guillory (Protestant Pastor who was formerly a Roman Catholic priest), Redeemer Christian Congregation (Baltimore, MD) Antinomianism Refuted, Free & Sovereign Grace, Christian Liberty & Gods Law Defended by the John Flavel, Samuel Rutherford, Greg Price, Charles Spurgeon, Dr. Reg Barrow, Burgess, Thornwell, Dabney, et al. (Free MP3s, Books, etc.) puritandownloads/antinomianism-refuted-free-sovereign-grace-christian-liberty-gods-law-defended-by-the-john-flavel-samuel-rutherford-greg-price-charles-spurgeon-dr-reg-barrow-burgess-thornwell-dabney-et-al-free-mp3s-books-etc/ The Puritan Hard Drive has been such a superb blessing to me personally & for ministry! The immense heritage of Puritan and Biblical pastors, leaders, and teachers is given to us in a single source on the Puritan Hard Drive. Right here at your fingertips are the works of such men as John Wycliffe, John Huss, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, John Calvin, Thomas Cranmer, John Bunyan, John Owen, Matthew Poole, George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon, J. C. Ryle, and on and on until you reach the great Biblical scholars of the present century. More than standing on the shoulders of these illustrious men, you have their thoughts in written and audio format. - Richard Bennett (former Roman Catholic priest, now a Reformed Baptist minister, conference speaker, Banner of Truth author, etc.), Berean Beacon
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 03:44:01 +0000

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