John XXIII and John Paul II made holy by François Francis made - TopicsExpress


John XXIII and John Paul II made holy by François Francis made saints Sunday s two most iconic postwar popes, John XXIII and John Paul II , two brave men, before a crowd of enthusiastic faithful gathered in St. Peter . We declare and define saints Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II , said the Argentine Pope solemnly , under the portraits of Angelo Roncalli and Karol Wojtyla , held on the facade of the basilica. The formula pronounced in Latin, was acclaimed by the crowd while the bells tolled in churches of Rome. Maria Cardoza a Peruvian sobbing with emotion : John Paul II has protected my children. In his homily, François paid tribute to two brave men, part of a living hope , which have experienced tragedies but have not been crushed . For the Argentine Pope , the two new saints helped to restore and update the Church according to his physiognomy ? Origin with the Second Vatican Council , held from 1962 to 1965 and was summoned by the Italian pope. Later at Regina Caeli prayer , he said that the two popes had contributed indelibly to human development and peace . He also defined Karol Wojtyla as the Pope of the family to accompany the Church in defense of this institution priority for him . Absolute first in the 2,000 year history of the Catholic Church, this double canonization takes place in the presence of two popes , Francis and his predecessor Benedict XVI. Of the 266 popes who led the Church for 2000 years , about 80 have been canonized . Pope retired , wearing a miter, and seemed in good shape, was seated to the left of the altar , in order not to create confusion with the reigning pope. At the beginning of the ceremony, Francis gave him a hug and he warmly shook both his hands at the end . The arrival of Benedict XVI, former right hand of John Paul II has been acclaimed by a crowd in good Polish side . - Sunday four popes - Two popes saints in heaven , two popes on Saint Peters Square , read one banner brandished by a faithful . At the end of the ceremony, 98 delegations of States or international organizations , including 24 heads of state and royals - King and Queen of Spain to Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe challenged - marched to greet the Pope Francis. Some have even emboldened to make a selfie with Jorge Bergoglio . Then the Pope traveled Argentine white car discovered the St. Peters Square and Via della Conciliazione acclaimed faithful young and old who threw him a few flags and T -shirts . Except for two babies, he did not stop to kiss people , merely to bless them or make them sign away at this walkabout shorter than usual. According to the Vatican, 800,000 people attended the ceremony, including half a million massed around the Place Saint -Pierre . Others gathered outside 17 giant screens installed in iconic locations ( Colosseum, Roman Forum , Piazza Farnese ... ) . We tried to go to the Vatican but impossible, we look on the big screen instead , says Cristian , 15, boy scout Calabria. For Sunday four popes , St. Peters Square was booked height, with the first ranks a white square 6,000 priests chasuble. Number of followers had spent the night in sleeping bags placed on the floor , or participated in prayer vigils . Luigi Villa , 77, came up with the group of Sotto il Monte, birthplace of John XXIII , near Bergamo ( northwest ) is all smiles : it s been four days since I sleep three hours to be there to see it ! The canonization of John XXIII , Vatican II initiator (1962-1965) which marked the opening of the Church to the modern world seems criticized by person, traditionalists . John Paul II remains the most popular pope of all time . But even if no one disputes its international stature , it has its critics who accuse him including blindness pedophile crimes and severity with dissident theologians. The day of his canonization , a church in a poor neighborhood in Salvador de Bahia in Brazil was the first in the world to take the name of John Paul II. In Mexico some 10,000 people attended a special Mass on the occasion of the canonization in the Basilica of Guadalupe. In Buenos Aires also hundreds of worshipers including many Poles attended a special mass . After the historic election of Argentine pope for 13 months at the head of a church of 1, 2 billion baptized , this double canonization is seen as an event that could help dispel the memory of years marked by scandals , including pedophilia and reconcile two different sensitivities of the Church embodied by these two popes.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 00:32:05 +0000

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