Join MoonCoach™ for the 11th New Moon of the 2013-2014 Zodiacal - TopicsExpress


Join MoonCoach™ for the 11th New Moon of the 2013-2014 Zodiacal Year. Silvia Pancaro guides you through the lunar rhythms, as we learn about the opportunities this Aquarius New Moon presents us with. This Lunar Moonth is about freedom, independence, connecting to your inner rebel, making connections with others to advance a collective vision, visioning the future, the realm of Enlightented Mind, and friendship. We will work with the qualities of AIR sign, AQUARIUS the Water-bearer, symbol of the Collective Vision for an Evolved Humanity, freedom, individual expression within the group, astrology and all sciences, and that desire to bust the status quo with new forward thinking ideas! This is the astrological time of year to visualize Individuals within communities that revel in their uniqueness, yet embrace diversity. This moonth is all about the Collective Vision~ing for freedom and peace amongst the colourful diversity that we all em-body! Connect with Mama Moon as she enters into Sacred Union with the Sun on the night of the New Moon (1/30/14), and through it youll be linked up aetherically with your Human Family, in love & light. Endeavour to take practical action towards Humanitarian goals. We are all in this together, so lets make a difference! The Month of Aquarius is presided over 2 planets: Saturn & Uranus, who invite us to consider those places in our Consciousness (individual and collective) that need structural changes, and those that require strong foundations based on Wisdom. Moon~Coaching™ Questions to Ponder, from Silvia Pancaro For the Aquarius Lunar Moonth, beginning January 30, 2014: *What visions and dreams do I have for my future? *What long term vision inspires me to keep moving forward into my Future? *What idealistic hopes do I wish to share with the World? *How well connected am I to allies that support a global vision for positive change? *Do I have any great ideas or unusual inventions that would benefit the evolution of Humanity? *What can I do to heal the illusion of separation on the planet? *Can I find new ways of brainstorming with others to reach peaceful accord between all nations? *How can I become actively involved in bringing solutions to current global issues? *What is the greatest Vision I can imagine for mySelf, for my community, for the world? *Am I surrounded by good friends? *How clear am I in my ability to process higher mental concepts? *Have I had a proper Astrology session lately? (The 11th Archetype rules Astrology!). Join us for the virtual moon playshop on Friday 1/30/14, where Silvia Pancaro will guide you through the symbolism of the AQUARIUS New Moon, as well as of its corresponding manifestation phase: the LEO Full Moon, reminding us that as we choose to share our uniqueness with our community, we naturally shine our Divine Light, inspiring everyone with out Love and Authenticity! Silvia will help you to focus on your Moonthly goals and intentions, based on your Astrological Life Blueprint, helping you to personalize your Lunar Journey by looking at the area of life that is activated by the exact degree of the New Moon & Full Moon in YOUR Divine Blueprint! You will then be able to more efficiently focus your attention throughout this lunar moonth, on your goals and dreams. YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! TAKE A STAND FOR AN AWAKENED HUMANITY! Manifesting with the Moon according to the Moon~Coaching™ program is a fun, experiential and conscious participation process that requires only 2 things: your imagination and your creativity! As with each Moon~Manifesting webinar (12-13 times per astrological year), MoonCoach™ will look at each participants astrological chart (Divine Blueprint) in order to determine the best way to utilize this cosmic energy, in the most organic and sacred way other words, you get a mini-Moon-Coaching™ session during the webinar! MUST RSVP & pre-register! Pre-payment (Sliding fee scale $23 to $55 please) can be made by Paypal. If you are new to the group, please email your complete birth data so that MoonCoach™ can pull your astrology chart to work with during the Vision-ing gathering (Silvia@Mooncoach) no later than 6pm on 1/30/14 using this link: mooncoach/webinars.html EVEN IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND THE WEBINAR, you can still work with these Cosmic & Natural frequencies. Visit the Moon~Coaching™ website for additional suggestions, images and ways of working/playing with this Lunar cycle (MoonCoach/aquariusmoonth.html). And if you would like personalized, in-depth Moon~Coaching™, please email Silvia@MoonCoach, to discuss the various formats available in Silvias Moon~Coaching™ program. Come learn how to manifest our dreams on Earth with the Moon, Sun and Zodiac, and Silvia Pancaro (the one and only MoonCoach™)! FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS EVENT INVITATION WITH OTHERS!! COPYRIGHT Silvia Pancaro & MoonCoach™ LLC. All Rights Reserved. MoonCoach LunarPriestEss SilviaPancaro
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:21:07 +0000

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