Joined At The Hip Six Years Ago , Clinton And Obama Held A - TopicsExpress


Joined At The Hip Six Years Ago , Clinton And Obama Held A Rally To Signify The Beginning Of Their Lock-Step Relationship On June 27 2008 Then Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL) Held A Rally In Unity, New Hampshire, Marking An End To The Presidential Primary. “llinois Sen. Barack Obama and New York Sen. Hillary Clinton officially put their hard-fought battle behind them Friday with their first big joint rally held in the very small town of Unity, N.H. The tone of the event was one of mutual admiration, even as polls suggest some reluctance among Clinton supporters to switch allegiance to Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee.” (Don Goyea, “Clinton, Obama Unite In Unity, NH,” NPR, 6/27/08) “The Name Of The Town, Which Lies Near The Vermont Border, Was The Message Of The Day.” “The name of the town, which lies near the Vermont border, was the message of the day: that the election will be close but that every Democrat needs to get behind Obama no matter who they supported in the primaries. The candidates chose Unity as the location because both received exactly 107 votes there during the New Hampshire primary in January.” (Don Goyea, “Obama, Clinton Seek Common Ground In Unity,” NPR, 6/27/08) “Many Waved Signs For Clinton, And — Just In Case Anyone Missed The Message Of The Day — Giant Painted Plywood Letters Hung At The Top Of The Bleachers Spelled Out The Word UNITY.” (Don Goyea, “Obama, Clinton Seek Common Ground In Unity,” NPR, 6/27/08) SIX YEARS LATER, THE OBAMA-CLINTON UNITY IS CREATING A WHOLE NEW SET OF CHALLENGES: IT’S WEIGHING DOWN CLINTON’S WOULD-BE CAMPAIGN Clinton Has Continued Her “Close Relationship” With Obama Since Leaving His Cabinet. “President Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton shared a private lunch on Thursday, a meeting that never appeared on any official schedule and that White House officials acknowledged only after People magazine posted on Twitter about it. Still, the lunch is more evidence that Mrs. Clinton — who left her job as secretary of state last year — is continuing her close relationship with Mr. Obama as speculation about her plans for the 2016 presidential election grows louder.” (Amy Chozick, “Clinton-Obama Lunch Hints At Continuing And Close Ties,” The New York Times, 5/29/14) Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure May Be Her “Biggest Bulls Eye” MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki: “The Biggest Bulls Eye Just Might Be Her Time As Secretary Of State.” (MSNBC’s “Hardball With Chris Matthews, 4/24/14) Democratic Pollster, Jay Campbell: Clinton May Need To “Separate Herself From Her Own Legacy.” “But another Democratic pollster, Jay Campbell of Hart Research, says that to achieve that ‘change in direction,’ Clinton may need to, in effect, separate herself from her own legacy.” (Michael Hirsh, “Hillary Clinton Steps Away From Obama On Foreign Policy,” National Journal, 3/17/14) “linton Could Be Worried That By The Time The Next Presidential Season Rolls Around, What Was Once Seen As One Of Obama’s Stronger Points—Foreign Policy—Could Easily Become A Liability To Whomever Is Seeking The Democratic Nomination.” “Two, Clinton could be worried that by the time the next presidential season rolls around, what was once seen as one of Obama’s stronger points—foreign policy—could easily become a liability to whomever is seeking the Democratic nomination.” (Michael Hirsh, “Hillary Clinton Steps Away From Obama On Foreign Policy,” National Journal, 3/17/14) Politico’s Jon Allen: Clinton Will Have Difficultly Distancing Herself From Obama On Unpopular Actions. ALLEN: “The difficulty she’s going to have distancing herself from President Obama on things that haven’t been popular that he’s done.” (CSPAN, 6/8/14) The National Journal Headline: “Foreign Policy Reemerging With A Vengeance In 2016” (Josh Kraushaar, “Foreign Policy Reemerging With A Vengeance In 2016,” National Journal, 3/26/14) “She’s [Clinton] Trying To Create Some Space Between Her Views And Obama’s, But She’s Boxed In By Being Involved With His Administration’s Foreign Policy For Four Years.” (Josh Kraushaar, “Foreign Policy Reemerging With A Vengeance In 2016,” National Journal, 3/26/14) Clinton Pushed For ObamaCare – A Law “95 Percent Similar” To Her Own Health Care Reform Plan – And Continues To Stand By It During A Recent Interview, Hillary Clinton Said That If She Was Up For Reelection, She Would Run In Favor Of ObamaCare. “Hillary Clinton has yet to announce whether she is running for president in 2016, but in an interview that aired Wednesday, Clinton outlined how she would run in favor of Obamacare ‘if [she] were a Democrat running for reelection in 2014.’” (Dan Merica, “Hillary Clinton Wants 2014 Democrats To Run On ObamaCare,” CNN, 6/25/14) Hillary Clinton: “Democrats ‘Need To’ Run On ObamaCare.” “Clinton, who in the past has said she is both supportive of Obamacare and of fixes to change the law, told PBS NewsHours Gwen Ifill in an interview taped Tuesday that Democrats ‘need to’ run on President Barack Obamas sweeping healthcare law.” (Dan Merica, “Hillary Clinton Wants 2014 Democrats To Run On ObamaCare,” CNN, 6/25/14) While In Obama’s Cabinet, Hillary Clinton Pushed For ObamaCare. “President Obama receives a congratulatory hug from Hillary Clinton the day after the House passed the Affordable Care Act. Clinton, who had pushed for health care reform when her husband was president, supported Obama’s insistence that the law be passed and spoke up on the president’s behalf during a cabinet meeting.” (Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, HRC: State Secrets And The Rebirth Of Hillary Clinton, 2014) “She Defended The President’s Health Plan Against Doubting Cabinet Colleagues, A Moment The Authors Describe As ‘Pivotal, If Underappreciated.’” (Liza Mundy, “Book World: ‘HRC,’ Inside Clinton’s State Dept. And The Political Machine,” The Washington Post, 2/6/14) In 2008, Then-Candidate Barack Obama Said His Plan Was 95 Percent Similar To Clinton’s Plan. OBAMA: “Let’s take health care. About 95 percent of our plans are similar.” (Barack Obama, Democratic Presidential Debate, Los Angeles, CA, 1/31/08) In The 2008 Campaign, The Centerpiece Of Clintons Plan Was “The So-Called ‘Individual Mandate,’ Requiring Everyone To Have Health Insurance—Just As Most States Require Drivers To Purchase Auto Insurance.” (Beth Fouhy, “Clinton To Offer Health Care Plan,” The Associated Press, 9/17/07) Like ObamaCare, Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Health Plan Also Mandated That Employers Provide Health Insurance Or Pay Into A National Fund. “Many 2008 Democratic presidential candidates, most recently Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, are embracing the notion of the so-called ‘pay or play’ insurance coverage mandate, which would require employers to provide health coverage to their employees or pay a tax into a national fund that would provide the coverage for them.” (Sara Lubbes, “Perils And Pluses Of ‘Play Or Pay’ Insurance Mandates,” CQ HealthBeat News, 9/18/07) Then-Candidate Hillary Clinton Said That Her Health Care Plan “Tells People, If You Have Health Insurance And You Are Happy With It, Nothing Changes.” HILLARY CLINTON:” Well, let me start by saying that this is the passionate cause of my public service. I started trying to expand health care many years ago, first to children, then to rural areas in Arkansas, and obviously tackled it during my husband’s administration. And the reason why I have designed a plan that, number one, tells people, if you have health insurance and you are happy with it, nothing changes, is because we want to maximize choice for people.” (Hillary Clinton, Democratic Presidential Debate, Los Angeles, CA, 1/31/08) Clinton Has Followed Obama’s Unpopular Lead On The Keystone Pipeline Clinton Is Waiting “At Least Until President Obama Announces His Administration Long-Awaited Decision” On Keystone Before Stating Her Position. “Former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton declined in an interview published Sunday to take a position on the debate over whether the Keystone XL oil pipeline should be constructed or not. Dont expect her posture to change any time soon. For a number of reasons, there is virtually no upside for Clinton, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, to weigh in on a contentious debate that has divided Democrats -- at least until President Obama announces his administrations long-awaited decision on the matter.” (Sean Sullivan, “Hillary Clinton Has A Keystone XL Catch-22,” The Washington Post, 6/16/14) Earlier This Month, Clinton Said She “Can’t Really Comment” On The Keystone Pipeline. CLINTON: “I can’t really comment at great length because I had responsibility for it and it’s been passed on and it wouldn’t be appropriate, but I hope that Canadians appreciate that the United States government – the Obama administration – is trying to get it right.” (Craig Offman, “Q&A With Hillary Clinton: ‘Can’t Respond’ To Whether Keystone Should Be Approved,” The Globe And Mail, 6/15/14) Clinton Has Repeatedly To Dodged Questions On Keystone Pipeline. Q: “Keystone, yes or no?” CLINTON: “Well I can’t say that because I was there – Q: “I don’t understand that. Why can’t you? You can talk about so many other things, why can’t you talk about that?” CLINTON: “Because that was a decision that rests with the Secretary of State, and my successor is going to have to make that decisions one way or the other and so I have said it’s inappropriate for me to comment on it.’” (CBC News “The National” 6/16/14) The Washington Post Headline: “Support For Keystone XL Pipeline Is Almost Universal.” (Aaron Blake, “Support For Keystone XL Pipeline Is Almost Universal,” The Washington Post, 6/26/14) Pew Poll: 61 Percent Of Americans Favor The Keystone XL Pipeline, While 27 Percent Oppose It. (Aaron Blake, “Support For Keystone XL Pipeline Is Almost Universal,” The Washington Post, 6/26/14) “Even Democrats Who Prefer To Develop Alternate Energy Sources Before Expanding The Use Of Fossil Fuels Say They Want The Keystone XL Pipeline Built.” (Aaron Blake, “Support For Keystone XL Pipeline Is Almost Universal,” The Washington Post, 6/26/14) Obama’s Economy Is An Anchor Around Clinton’s Candidacy “Americans’ Top Priority Is The Economy And That’s Unlikely To Change By 2016. For Democrats, Thats A Problem.” “Amid all the midterm hoopla over Benghazi, the IRS and Veterans Affairs scandals, and Obamacare, it’s easy to forget that presidential elections are mostly defined by the economy. Even today, Americans’ top priority is the economy and that’s unlikely to change by 2016. For Democrats, thats a problem. They have several smart ideas to help the economy fully recover from the Great Recession, but as we enter the latter half of Barack Obama’s second term, the public increasingly blames him and his party for the weak recovery.” (Danny Vinik, “Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Vulnerability: Her Economic Agenda,” The New Republic, 6/22/14) Center For American Progress Fellow Ruy Teixera: What Will “Most Likely Cause Problems” In 2016 “Is That People Still Feel Like The Economy Has Barely Budged.” “‘If Hillary Clinton runs in 2016, you can certainly make a case, even though the third term is hard for an incumbent party … they should be in a good position to win again,’ said Ruy Teixeira, a democratic strategist and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. ‘The thing that is most likely to cause them problems is that people still feel like the economy has barely budged.’” (Danny Vinik, “Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Vulnerability: Her Economic Agenda,” The New Republic, 6/22/14) “The Recovery From The Recession Has Been Nasty, Brutish And Long.” “The recovery from the recession has been nasty, brutish and long. It also is shaping up as one of the most enduring.” (Josh Zumbrun, “Sluggish Economic Recovery Proves Resilient,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/20/14) Democratic Polling Firm: “Democrats Should Bury Any Mention Of ‘The Recovery.’” “‘As a start, Democrats should bury any mention of ‘the recovery,’’ stated an April memo from [Democracy Corps], which includes Mr. Carville and Stanley B. Greenberg, who were two political strategists for Bill Clinton.” (Jonathan Weisman, “Economic Recovery Yields Few Benefits For The Voters Democrats Rely On,” The New York Times, 5/19/14) The Federal Reserve No Longer Expects Full Recovery In Foreseeable Future. “The Federal Reserve, persistently optimistic in its previous forecasts, said in March that it no longer expected a full recovery in the foreseeable future.” (Binyamin Appelbaum, “U.S. Economic Recovery Looks Distant As Growth Stalls,” The New York Times, 6/11/14) According To The Chief Economist At The Economic Policy Center, “It’s Going To Be This Way For A While. We’re In A Long Slog.” “‘Its going to be this way for a while. Were in a long slog,’ Shierholz said, noting that the recession of 2007-2009 was the harshest downturn since the 1930s Great Depression.” (Tom Raum, “Where Have All The Missing American Workers Gone?,” The Associated Press, 6/9/14) “In Other Words, Democrats Will Have To Convince Voters That Much Of The Obama Agenda Is Still The Right Prescription For The Economy, Despite The Weak Results Over The Past Five-Plus Years. That’s Not Easy.” (Danny Vinik, “Hillary’s Biggest Vulnerability: Her Economic Agenda,” New Republic, 6/22/14)..
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 13:56:58 +0000

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