Joint Press Release 31st October 2014 SHURA AND MAPIM CALL ON AN - TopicsExpress


Joint Press Release 31st October 2014 SHURA AND MAPIM CALL ON AN INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY AGAINST AL AQSA DIVISION The recent bill to be approved by the Knesset of Israel to divide the Mount Temple in the Al Aqsa mosque and allow Jews to enter the Alqsa mosque is unprecedented and indicates the Israel regimes intention to have full control over the holy mosque. The bill will spark resentment from most of the Palestinians. The decision to divide the mosque so as to allow access to all Jews to worship in it is outrageous and must be condemned strongly as this is a clear indication of challenging the sanctity of the mosque. This move is a continuation of decades of an ongoing process of Judaization of Jurusalem and now this bill is targeting the holy mosque Al Aqsa. This is a provocation that will instigate tension not only within Jurusalem but will also spark worldwide anger among Muslims all over the world. The agresssive assault by the Jews is not new. From the imposition of rules , changing names of roads and citizens from Arab to Jewish to the construction of the separation wall , intrusion in all Palestinians lands , pushing Palestinian out of Baitul Maqdis , the denial of travel documents and rights to their homes , intrusion and destruction of historical places of Muslims and Christian homes , resettlement of over 200,000 Jews on Palestinian lands in Jurusalem and establishing 40 excavation points surrounding the Aqsa mosque. The move , legalizIng Jews to have equal praying rights as Muslims in the Al Aqsa Mosque is a final blow to the Muslims and it is tantamount to intimidating Muslims for an all out confrontation with the Jews. The world cannot just standtill at this potentially explosive situation. If the bill passes through , the world community must respond to demand for a stop to the implementation of the free and legal access of Jews into the mosque and a consequent bloody clash between the Arabs Palestinians and the Jews. The Judaization of Jurusalem and the Al Aqsa mosque cannot be left unresponded without a strong protest. The heart of the Palestian issues is most felt among all Muslims when it relates to the Al Quds and Al Aqsa. It is this very issue that has triggered the long struggle and resistance form the Palestinians. It is the issue of Al Aqsa that has united all Muslims to support the Palestinian struggle. We demand that the OIC respond appropriately to pressure Israel not to proceed with approving the bill. OIC must send a strong message to the Israel regime on this issue. Failing which the Muslims must voice their feelings and act in a united front to save Al Aqsa. We call that the Malaysian goverment who is now the elected member of the UN Security Council push for a strong response to the Knesset bill . It must be registered that the holy mosque of Al Aqsa is the sole ownership of the Muslims. The move to approve this particular bill is unprecedented and must be blocked as it jeopardises any prospect of a peace deal and an affront to the international agreed fact that the Aqsa mosques belongs to the Muslims. We urge all Muslims and civil organizations , irrepective of religion , race and creed to join forces and reiterate that Israel is going overboard with its move and it must be strongly condemned . The Jordanian Parliamentarian protest against Israel must be fully supported since the agreed treaty between Jordan and Israel that the supervision of the Al Aqsa under the behest of the Jordanian government must be respected. We call on all Muslim scholars of the International Association of Muslims Scholars led by Syeikh Dr Yusof Qardhawi to take the initiatives to launch and mobilise the Muslims world wide for an all out Save Al Quds campaign. A special call to all Muslims to organize rallies , submit memorandums , launch a Boycott , Divesment and Sanction of Israel campaign , demand for a Muslim peacetroops to be deployed to Al Quds should be initiated. Abdul Ghani Samsudin ( Chair of the Secretariat for the Assembly of Ulama of Asia - SHURA ) Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid ( President , Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations - MAPIM ) Sent from my iPad
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 11:22:24 +0000

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