Jon Stewart humorously makes the point that the IRS computers are - TopicsExpress


Jon Stewart humorously makes the point that the IRS computers are primitive because Americans dont want to pay for it and yet they DEMAND the IRS to work perfectly, even with its ancient computers. And remember, spending money to improve IRS performance does not increase the deficit because it actually increases the IRS ability to collect revenue for the government, it makes money FOR the government. But, republicans refuse to do that; in fact they plan on cutting funding for the IRS again, this time by $340 million dollars. Helpful facts that didnt make it into the Jon Stewarts Daily Show Report and actually dont make it into most news reports about the IRS scandal story, & hence the SECRET facts not reported by/ rarely if ever reported by the news media: #1 FACT: The IRS did NOT suspiciously lose ALL of Lois Lerners emails; they did suspiciously lose some of them. The IRS DID turn over MOST of Lois Lerners emails -- you rarely hear this in news reports --- INCLUDING ALL OF THE EMAILS FROM THE PERIOD CONGRESS IS MOST INTERESTED IN: the months preceding and the months during the last presidential campaign. Lawrence gives a multiple choice quiz re number of Lois Lerner emails that have been turned over: How many?: a) none, b) hundreds, c) thousands, d) 67,000, e) whos Lois Lerner? IF you responded d, you are correct; that is how many Lois Lerner emails were turned over. #2 FACT: Also never included in news reports is the FACT that NONE of the political organizations who applied for 501 (c) 4 status actually needed to apply for it. All they had to do was CLAIM 501-c-4 status. ... All the complaints are actually over a superfluous process: the application process. All they had to do was CLAIM the status. #3 FACT: Another fact rarely included: NOT ONE republican group applying for 501-c-4 status was denied 501-c-4 status. Repeat: not one republican application was denied 501-c-4 status. The one political organization that somehow managed to get denied 501-c-4 status was the LIBERAL organization EmergeAmerica #4 FACT: NO POLITICAL GROUP SHOULD EVER BE GRANTED 501(c)4 STATUS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BECAUSE THAT IS THE LAW. The law EXPLICITLY states that any 501-c-4 organization must be operated EXCLUSIVELY for social welfare.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 19:39:12 +0000

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