Jonathan condemns attack on - TopicsExpress


Jonathan condemns attack on Chibok ********************* President Goodluck Jonathan has called on all lovers of peace in the country to condemn efforts by agents of global terrorism to disunite and destabilize Nigeria by callously instigating violence among religious groups in the country. Reacting to the attack on some churches in Chibok where scores of worshipers were killed, President Jonathan said he shares the view of the most learned Islamic leaders and scholars that no true Muslim will resort to the mindless killing of innocent people at any time, especially during the holy month of Ramadan, to redress any perceived grievance. “The President deplores the renewed targeting by Boko Haram of adherents of a particular religion and urges all lovers of peace and unity to wholly condemn the renewed violence by the Boko Haram insurgents. A statement by Reuben Abati, the Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity said: “The President believes, therefore, that Sunday’s attacks on churches and other similar atrocities by Boko Haram are conclusive proof, if any is still needed, that its leaders and members are thoroughly misguided persons who are only using religion as a cover for their reprehensible crimes against their countrymen and women. “President Jonathan urges all Nigerians, irrespective of their religious beliefs, to resist this new attempt to undermine the nation’s firm and collective resolve to unite in full support of its armed forces and security agencies against the vicious perpetrators of brutal attacks on innocent citizens. “The President assures all Nigerians once again that the Federal Government and national security agencies will continue to intensify ongoing efforts to end Boko Haram’s senseless attacks until the terrorists are routed and totally defeated. “He commiserates with the families and churches that lost loved ones, members and places of worship during Sunday’s attacks” the statement concluded. Chibok abduction won’t hinder fight against terrorism– FG The Federal Government has also restated that it would not be deterred by the abduction of more than 200 school girls in Chibok, Borno State to fight the insurgents. The National Coordinator of National Information Centre, Mr Mike Omeri stated this, yesterday, at the routine security briefing, alongside with spokespersons of security forces, in Abuja. Fielding questions from journalists on why killings continue in spite of the deployment of security operatives by the government, Omeri said government was not demoralised and would not be, despite challenges it is facing to rescue the girls. He said: “The President, security agencies, even all of us sitting here said in relation Chibok girls: The focus is to rescue them alive not attracting collateral damage or destroying the lives of those children. And therefore, the approach at rescue is different. “Now, the Air Force even as at yesterday (Sunday) came out to fight the insurgents, where they make themselves available to be confronted. You can confirm that from Chibok and even the other week as well. “As I said earlier, there are rules of engagement in the war, a conventional professional armed forces will stick to it, but an unconventional group or team of criminals will not stick to it. “And don’t forget that this government have zero tolerance for abuses whether by armed forces, police or whosoever. So, we will stick to the rule of engagement and do the right thing,” he said. Speaking on the attack in Kautikeri, kwada and Birnjuzu about 10 kilometres from Chibok, Borno state, Omeri said government had intensified patrol in the area. He maintained that government and the community leaders were working to ascertain the extent of damage and figures, noting that there were causalities from both the security forces and the insurgents. Via:-MR INTEGRITY
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 06:41:04 +0000

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