Journalists Martyrs Day Press Release ISLAMABAD, Nov : - TopicsExpress


Journalists Martyrs Day Press Release ISLAMABAD, Nov : Pakistan Federation Union of Journalists PFUJ,will observe the “Journalists Martyrs Day”, on Tuesday, November 19, to pay rich tribute to all those journalists who were killed in the line of duty, in Pakistan and around the world. On November 2001 when over eight journalists were martyred in the beginning of War on Terror, including a Pakistani Journalist Azizullah Haidari, by militants during the war coverage after the NATO attacked on Afghanistan. However, a group of four journalists were brutally killed including 33 years old Aziz Haidari of Reuters and a female journalist Maria Cutuli of Italys Corriere della Sera in an ambushed fire by militants in Sarobi area between Kabul and Jalalabad in Afghanistan, on 19 November 2001. Journalists have become a soft target since 9/11 incident and Pakistan became one of the most dangerous country after Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria for journalists. The idea of official celebration of “International Journalists Martyrs Day” in Pakistan was first suggested by of a family martyred Aziz ullah Haidari ,his widow Saadia Sehar Haidari,her daughter Aleena Haidari and son Ammad Haidari in November 19,2012 . She is an activist and versatile journalist. PFUJ will hold seminars and rallies to highlight their cases and failures of the government to provide justice to the victims; it is stated in a Press Release. We have also appealed to the International Journalist bodies to show solidarity with the victims and their families, President of the PFUJ, Afzal Butt and Secretary General, Khursheed Abbasi and Saadia Sehar Haidari widow of Aziz ullah Haidari ,activist journalist said in a joint statement. “Government must appoint Special Public Prosecutors for speedy trials of journalists who were killed and recovery of missing journalists “they said. In the statement Saadia Sehar appealed to the Government to establish the supporting program or fund for martyred journalist’s families and their kids after their killing and announced the courage award (Nishan-e-Jurat) for martyred journalists who lost their lives for truth during their professional duty . In the last 12 years over 100 journalists were killed only in Pakistan including American reporter Danial Pearl, who was working on a story of shoe bomber, Hayatullah Khan, who first break the story about the possible drone strikes in Pakistan, Saleem Shahzad, who was doing research on the rising extremism within the security agencies, Mossa Khan Khail, who was covering the procession of Islamic cleric Maulvi Sufi Mohammad, Muni Sangi, cameraman, killed while covering a tribal feud, Mohammad Ibrahim, killed after he interviewed a Taliban leader, Wali Khan Babar, killed in Karachi allegedly by an ethnic group for his reporting and many others. Similarly, many journalists were killed in Target killing but some were lost their lives in suicide attacks; five of them killed in the second blasts when they reached the spot to cover it or were present in the public meeting or processions. Hundreds of Journalists were also killed in a decade long war in Iraq, in Afghanistan, Egypt and Syria. Journalists become more vulnerable and easy target of terrorists and security agencies, President of PFUJ, Mr Afzal Butt and Secretary General, Kursheed Abbasi said in a statement. Pakistan is passing through a difficult time and life of journalists become unsafe particularly those working in Baluchistan, KPK, FATA and in Karachi. By observing Nov 19th as day for martyred journalists, PFUJ and Activist Saadia Sehar will try to draw worlds attention towards the threats to Pakistani journalists from the extremist organizations as well as from the intelligence agencies. PFUJ and Saadia Sehar Journalist activist appealed to all the UJS, Press Clubs, civil societies, lawyers, trade unions and political parties to join hands in expressing solidarity with the journalists.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 15:02:34 +0000

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