Journey Forward Thoughts for 22 September 2014 What does it - TopicsExpress


Journey Forward Thoughts for 22 September 2014 What does it take to get rid of behaviors that come from the flesh? We are believers, but we still get angry, and at times some use filthy language in that anger. Especially when we see the injustice coming to the land we love, and the place where our freedom has been evident for so many years. Now it seems to be threatened, and we are responding, not in love, but in anger, and in some cases, rage. But dont you think that perhaps this is what the adversary wants to see from us? He wants to rile us, get our dander up, and cause confusion in our behavior. We are told in Colossians this: You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all. And instead we are told to, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3: 7-11, 12b The things we are told to rid yourselves, of, are behaviors that we can control, if we replaced them with something else. Replace anger with compassion, rage with gentleness, malice with kindness, slander, with humility. We have been given the Holy Spirit to fill us with the capability to use the attributes of Christ, to make our behavior like him, and not like the world. Lets make no mistake that the adversary is working very hard in the world to get us to NOT behave like Christ, but to behave like nonbelievers. This is also where humility comes in, to think of others before ourselves. This is where patience comes in to continue even when the things of the world try to frustrate us. Lets be ministers of peace, and lets make sure that the peace we are administering is the peace of God, found in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whom we are sealed with his promise, and given the Holy Spirit to guide us into the life we hopefully now want to live. We are only going to survive this one way, and that is not with anger, but with love, not with rage, but with humility, not with evil desires, but with the desire to be steadfast in Christ. Lets start this week, with love in our hearts, joy in our thinking, and patience with a world, bent on making this a miserable day for us. You and I have a wonderful opportunity today. We can be the representative of Christ to those we meet. Perhaps they will be put there just for such a time as this. Lord, I pray for a heart of compassion, that I would live it more and more every day. I pray for my church family, who, I know, desire to please you. Father, strengthen them. Strengthen me, and let us see your glory today. We want to honor you above all else, and to give praise to Jesus, for the love poured out on us. I also petition you again for those I love: Father, would you move your hand over: Donna, Dwight, Betty, Makenna, Caitlyn, Marianne, Drew. I ask that you hear the heart of Candace S., and the concerns she has for her family. I pray for Jennifer, to ask you to meet her needs. Father, for Rheba, Harriet, Terry, Daniel, Tyler, Clay, Montella, Sandi, Gus, Lori, Lisa, Steve, Pam, Dennis, Mike S., Katrina, Jen. Lord, strengthen: Tracy, Abraham, Bishop Japheth, Will, Karina, Mike, Megan, Jeff, Laura, John, Patty, Matt, Bethany. I pray for hearts to turn to you, hearts to remain in you, and hearts to rely on you today. In Jesus name. Amen Pastor Andy
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 12:21:01 +0000

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