July 14th, from “Love Out Loud” by Joyce Meyer: Love Through - TopicsExpress


July 14th, from “Love Out Loud” by Joyce Meyer: Love Through Serving “Whoever desires to be great among you must be your servant.” Mark 10:43 A servant is one who lives to benefit another, one who sacrifices for another’s joy or fulfillment. Sacrifice is the only status symbol in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said servanthood makes a person great, and that no one can become great without it. When it comes to serving others, we are often like children who don’t want to eat our vegetables. We like the things that taste good, but often ignore the things we really need to be healthy. At one time in my life I would not touch vegetables. I liked pasta, fried food, cakes, pies, potatoes, and meat. As a result, I was overweight and I felt bad. Thankfully, I learned to like foods that were better for me. Now I actually crave vegetables! In a similar way I have learned to enjoy doing things for others and serving them. At first I didn’t like it at all; then little by little I began to see the importance of it, and now I actually crave it. Just as I make sure I eat my vegetables, I make sure I reach out to others in love. When God began dealing with me about serving others it was hard, but it has freed me from myself. What a completely awesome delight it is to actually wake up in the morning and find God and others on my mind first. Don’t let selfishness rule in your life. Be aggressive and do things for other people on purpose. As you do, you will find that you are a more joyful individual. Love Others Today: How can you deliberately incorporate walking in love into your everyday life this week?
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 09:49:17 +0000

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