July 17, 2014 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New - TopicsExpress


July 17, 2014 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New Revelations - The Gospel of Messiah and Apostle Rev Colleen Etana - Divine Sayings and Interpretive Revelations - A Transfiguration (God with Colleen Etana through The Holy Spirit) A TRANSFIGURATION This is some of what happens after one is filled with The Holy Spirit. It begins to happen to the ego within us, our false identity. A falling away of all that does not serve our highest and greatest good as individuals and as a species, as ones who have been Created by God, One Family with so many different personalities. It is entirely possible for all of us to get along. Though it will take much concession. Separating the wheat from the chaff is alot like this for me: I began to separate where my thoughts were coming from. Either they were of love and unity or of fear and division. Basically, this stands for the thoughts that were from the negative aspects of my ego that had developed over time, all from fear, which breeds these other kinds of thoughts, feelings and behaviors: Inferiority and superiority complexes, abuse, hatred, criticism, jealousy, envy, false pride, unempowerment, argumentative behavior, overbearing attitudes, oppression, self importance, selfishness, unhappiness, guilt, shame or low self esteem and any other conflicting negative thoughts and emotions. All I knew is I had to pull the chaff out of me, one by one, by the roots and purify my hearts intentions before I could even begin to trust and learn to love myself and then of course others. I was learning to Trust in God, something I used to think was outside myself. Until I gained insight about why these thoughts and old feelings were there in the first place and discovered the root cause of them, I was their prisoner. Then I remembered the scripture regarding taking every thought captive unto Christ. Unto Love. I also remembered that perfect love casts out all fear. And the process began intensively as well as continues to this day as it is a daily walk with Love. Every perceived bad event in my life had to be healed through forgiveness, and in understanding myself, I understood others better and the conflict began to cease within me. I began to see all others as myself. It is the anti-love spirit, the lying spirit, that I had to exorcise from within me, every last particle that I Am had to be transformed and healed back into love, rewriting the thoughts in my mind, casting out every one that was setting itself up against love. Getting rid of victim mentality and emotional healing was a key to the Kingdom within. The world needs so much healing. I think the best healers are the ones that have been through hell and healed themselves so they can assist their brothers and sisters in their healing as well. It allows us to assist at the deepest levels of our souls because we can relate to almost everything everyone else has gone through, is still going through, or will go through at some point in their lives. The truth is we are not born in sin as if we are defective and there is something wrong with us or as if this is our destiny and we cannot rise above it. The truth is we all make mistakes and we must learn from them or we are bound to recreate the same reality over and over, which is why history seems to repeat itself. The truth is the only way is Gods Way, that which is intentional active love towards our fellow humans and every other creature on Gods Green Earth as well as throughout the entire Universe. If we truly want Peace, there is no other way. God through Colleen Etana with The Holy Spirit: This kind of Peace is like walking on water, as above, so below. Calm seas. Like being in the Eye of the storm. Then even the Storm becomes Magnificent from within to without, because you remember Its Purpose is to bring everlasting change for the Greater Good. AMEN God with the extra vowel o is Good. To always do good is to become more like God. Something I will never stop doing. All things are possible for those who dare to dream it into reality. At least for those who believe and put in the effort. What I also have realized, that which many of us believe from scripture, is that God Expects us to be loving, forgiving, tolerant of others beliefs, to have mercy, be compassionate, be understanding, patient, fair, respectful, speak as though honey is dripping from our tongues with kindness and to be peaceful, as well as equal to the all. Then God would not expect us to be something God is not. Trust the God/Goddess within. That means we can know that God is all of these things within us that are good. Nor would God Doubt our ability to become that which He/She Expects us to. Then we must also have Faith in ourselves since God lives within us. To doubt ourselves is to doubt God. We need to realize Heavenly Ideas by growing into Heavenly Consciousness, utilizing Heavenly Thinking. Some like to claim that we are God. Since God is the Way, the Truth and the Life according to scripture, then it stands to reason that this has to be true to a point although we did not create ourselves in the beginning, we are recreating ourselves now. For we are also the Way, the Truth, and the Life, that is in a constant state of evolution. I have heard it is said that we are the ones we have been waiting for. And so it is. AMEN Read more: godslivingbible.proboards/thread/2278/transfiguration#ixzz3IbHsyZ12
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 19:15:20 +0000

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