July 18, 2014 For Carly…upon your graduation…. - TopicsExpress


July 18, 2014 For Carly…upon your graduation…. Congratulations to all of you, and to our girl, Carly. We are So proud of you, and what you have accomplished along side your classmates. We know it hasnt been an easy path getting here, and the road Im sure has seemed long at times. But you persevered, and you never gave up. And today we are here to celebrate you and all your hard work. Ahhhhh… Carly…..she came out of the womb being the boss. We used to call her Commandant Carlyle, she would script our ‘play’ telling us exactly what to say and do and then she would execute her roles and evaluate us on ours:) When Chad was born, she took over as ‘mom’ feeding, bathing and putting him to bed. I had to remind her I that I was the mother….she has always been self directed, assertive and persistent. When she sets her mind to something, you may as well give it up, because she will wear you down. And though that quality nearly killed us growing her up, it is that quality that is what makes her dogged in her pursuit of something she wants and believes in. And here you are today, having reached another goal. so here are some words and wishes for you as you begin your new life… First and always…. Remember to be Grateful. As you think back on this past two years, remember to be grateful for all the lessons, all the successes and all of the challenges, all the hard work, for your teachers, for your classmates, your clients, (your parents☺ ) for everyone you met along the way here. Each struggle, each success is uniquely yours, and has prepared you in some way for your unique path and future. The energy you put out into the world is what you attract back in. Practice choosing gratitude and love over fear and negativity and life will always show you the way and love you back. Follow your heart and your dreams and your inner voice. Do what makes you happy, even if that is simply finding an hour a day, to do something that feeds your soul, makes you smile…could be playing with your dog, or taking a walk in nature, spending more time with people who uplift you and believe in you and support your dreams, who want you to succeed in life and who want your happiness. Find those people and surround yourself with them and give the same to them in return. These relationships will sustain you throughout all the days of your life. Be Yourself. There is no other YOU who can be you better than you can. Dont compare yourself to others….there will always be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Focus on and appreciate what you have and not what you think you lack. Be mindful of your thoughts and intentions, as with each thought, you are co-creating your world. Let go of old beliefs that dont serve you any more. Be fierce in loving and standing up for what you do believe in, and what you come to know as your capital T, Truth. Trust you are exactly where you need to be. Right here right now, you are about to go out into the world as a healer, teacher. Remember that we teach what we need to learn, and being a student of life is never ending. Keep and open and beginners mind, and the mysteries of life will continue to unfold to you. Your profession is one that brings touch, comfort, relief, and healing love and energy to the bodies and souls of those you touch. It is sacred path. As our good friend and your teacher and mentor Juke, said to you ….Carly, its about finding your soul. See your own soul and reflection in each person you encounter. Withhold the judgments of the mind and ego. We are all one and it is this interconnectedness that transforms and heals us, as we heal another. We need each other. This world truly does not need more uber successful self-focused people. The world needs more teachers, healers, mentors and feelers….This world needs you Carly and each and every one of you here today, and your unique gifts. Go about the business of living, loving, leading and learning, and remember to find joy and happiness in the simple things. Because happiness, your happiness, IS your most profound gift to the world. In finding it and living it, you will radiate that energy and inspire others to find theirs as well. We are so proud and glad that you have chosen this path, and know you will make a difference in the world. We are grateful to call you our daughter. Keep on being your beautiful, persistent, creative, funny and Angel self. We love you Congratulations. Mom & Dad
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 13:15:27 +0000

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