June 4, 2014 One of my favorite Bible verses is Isaiah 40:30-31: - TopicsExpress


June 4, 2014 One of my favorite Bible verses is Isaiah 40:30-31: “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” This verse just seems to fit me. One of the biggest challenges I have is staying energized, and not allowing myself to become burnt out. Of course this is a challenge for everyone, especially parents. Parents work all day, and then head home to their wonderful, screaming children. Sometimes I wonder how they do it!? For myself, just staying caught up is a challenge. Of course I have a multitude of things to do for the church, along with being a husband, father, and PawPaw. Now please understand I am not complaining, but sometimes it just seems overwhelming – just seems like I cant accomplish everything on my plate. One of my favorite comics was Calvin and Hobbs. In one cartoon – Calvin is talking about how much stuff he has to do. He looks up and says: God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things... and right now I am so far behind that I will never die. Do you ever feel like that? Do you ever feel like things are just overwhelming, or that you are too far behind and you cant catch up? Or maybe you just work, and work, and work and stretch yourself out until there is nothing left... until you become burnt out. What I enjoy about this verse, is that it says that even youth, even those who are young and in shape grow tired. Even young, vibrant men stumble and fall. But as long as we keep our faith and our hope in God, He will renew us. He will give us the strength to keep going, to run and not grow weary. Today, no matter what is on your plate – or how far behind in life you are – just remember that God will give you the strength to keep going – IF you put your faith in Him. Because unlike the youth – and the young men – and well – the rest of us – God does not grow tired, or weary. He does not get burnt out – but instead He rekindles the flame when we do. Peace out,
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 01:32:54 +0000

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